Errol the Pathetic Owl

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Christmas had finally arrived. My mother said that she thought about getting me a broom but wanted to wait till a newer series came out. I was completely fine with that. She said that she could ask a friend if I could borrow his sometime over the summer to practice, which was good enough for me. I sent Fred and George their letter almost a week ago. I was about to send another one with Moe who had returned a few days ago. Which meant that they got the letter and package but hadn't bothered to return a reply. Lucy sent back her response with Wisdom who I sent straight back out the window with Lees letter and gift. I had just received his letter an hour ago with great thanks and a new book called, "Quidditch Through the Ages." I smiled at it thinking he must have known I would want something like this. Lucy on the other hand gave me a necklace. It had a owl in flight dangling from the chain. Now I just wanted a response from the twins and my Christmas would be complete.
I was absorbed in my new book from Lee hours later. We just had a huge feast with a few family members, and I wanted to get away and relax for a while. I was reading about all the fouls in the game when an idiot bird hit the glass on my window knocking me off my bed. I got right back up and opened the window letting in a cold breeze. I grabbed the bird and set him in Moes cage. He then ate and drank before passing out. I laughed to myself before I realized who the letters were from.

"Finally! About time you two!" I said aloud while ripping the letters open.
The fest letter was from George telling me congratulations on talking with my mother and finding the truth along with the usual "how are you," and "how are the holidays?" I made a mental reminder to respond as soon as I finished Fred's letter. I opened it next. It was nearly identical to George's except he knew I wasn't being completely honest in my previous letter.

"I know you better than this Beth. Come on and tell the truth to your best friend. How are you really feeling about your whole real dad and mom situation? You don't have to write me about it but when we get back at least tell me how you really feel.
Merry Christmas,
Fred W."

I smiled and felt relieved that at least one of my friends knew that what I was feeling couldn't be explained in a letter. I silently thanked Fred and turned to the package that the ruddy owl, apparently named Errol, came with. I opened it to find a small bag of dungbombs, the book "Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts," a purple sweater with a huge B on the front, and finally in a separate package a bracelet with a broom charm on it. It had a separate letter from Fred in it as well.

"Well, I remembered you talking on the train saying how you wanted to be on the team sometime at Hogwarts so I got you this the other day in Diagon Alley. Hope it's not too much. By the way I hope this didn't come too late. Errol gets lost all the time. Sorry if it does."

I smiled at the last comment and put the bracelet on right away. It was lovely and I went straight to writing my thanks to the twins. Wishing them a happy rest of the holiday and telling them I'd talk to them more when term starts again.

The next few weeks passed rather quickly and before I knew it, I was packing for Hogwarts in no time.

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