Ginny Weasley (Fred's P.O.V.)

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Months have passed and the school is not its usual fun and happy place to be. Quidditch has been canceled entirely, Hermione Granger has been petrified, and now there is talk about the school being shut down due to the absence of Dumbledore. George and I have been visiting Beth in the Hospital Wing every day, or at least almost every day. With more and more people being attacked, we are not allowed to roam the castle at night like normal.

"Fred." says George. We are sitting in the common room studying for our final exams, which are only a few days away.

"Yeah?" I answer back, not looking up from the study guide I created for Potions class.

"I heard from Harry this morning at breakfast that the potion for the mandrake serum is almost finished. Beth should be up and moving in a few days." I look up and immediately feel a smile growing on my face. This is the best news I have had in the past 5 months, since Beth has been petrified.

"That's great! I cannot wait to see her again! Its been too long."

"Agreed, speaking of which have you seen Ron and Harry up here at all? They wanted to play a game of Wizards Chess when they were done studying, and I don't know about you bu-"


I look at George and wonder what the announcement was about. "Probably another attack." I say knowing he is thinking the same thing.

"Yeah, probably. But that's the third one this month! The attacks are getting more and more uncontrollable. Plus with Dumbledore gone we are completely unprotected."

"Yeah...we should head to the dorm. Lee probably didn't hear the announcement from up there."

"Alright." so George and I clean up our desk of things and walk out of the common room, from until this point I didn't realize that there were other people in the room, but other upperclassmen are studying for their finals as well.

"Attention." I look over to where the portrait wall is at and see Professor McGonagall and see her meet my gaze. "At this moment no one is allowed to leave the common room unless special permission is given, meals will be served in here and classes are cancelled until further notice. There has been another attack, but unlike the rest of them... a student has been taken into the chamber. From the looks of it, Hogwarts will be closing in a matter of hours unless the culprit is caught."

"Professor, who was taken?" asks Lee, who has come down from the dorm.

"Ginny Weasley." she says with a pain in her eyes as she finds George and I amongst the crowd.

I stand there in silence. No. No. Not Ginny! She is so innocent and small. How could this happen to her?

"Fred and George, if you could grab Ron from his dorm, I will escort you to the Headmasters office." I nod my head and run up to the second years dorm. I enter the room and only Neville, Dean and Seamus are in the room. "Where is Ron and Harry?!" I ask now more alarmed than ever.

"They never came up from the feast, are they not down in the common room?" asks Dean. Not having time to answer I run back down and reach McGonagall.

"Harry and Ron are gone."

Now in the Headmasters office, Dumbledore is back and Percy and our parents have joined us. Percy was in the common room just as we were, I just forgot about him because who wouldn't forget about Percy. Mum is crying and Dad is trying to sooth her. I'm pacing around the room, and it strikes me. I'm doing the same thing Dumbledore does on a daily basis here. On the Marauders Map, George and I see him almost every evening pacing in this exact spot, and now I know why. Now all we can do is wait really, we don't know where the Chamber is, so there is really nothing we can do to help anyone. Dumbledore starts talking, but all I can think about is Ron and Ginny. I know I pick on them all the time, but it is because they mean so much to me. If I ever see them again i'll-

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