Secrets Galore!

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It has been a few months since we discovered the map. We have been using it to pull pranks on Snape and Filch. We even used it to sneak into the kitchens for Lees birthday party. We got him cake and even snuck some butterbeer. People wondered where we got it from or how we managed to sneak into the kitchens but Fred, George and I would just say, "Well we had some help from our trusty friends, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs." People would just look at us oddly but, we would just laugh it off. Now with only a month left of school, exams were coming up and after our last exam we wanted to pull a huge prank on Snape. The details are for later, but I can tell you this. It's going to be one hell of a prank.

Unfortunately, other than thinking of ideas for jokes we have also been studying like mad for our exams. McGonagall and Fitwick have been giving us an average of 2 hours of homework every night. Snape, however, was worse. We got on top of our exam homework extra essays over stupid potions. I have been studying an average of 4 hours per night. I'm just terrified I won't make it into my 2nd year. Fred and George say I shouldn't worry as much as I do because I'm the "best witch in our year." I find this false though. I have yet to complete a perfect cure to boils potion. They think I'm just being modest though.

Later in the day I was at the library doing some quiet studying I was just reading about the effects of Polyjuice potion when Fred came up behind me and said,
"Hello there my friend. Guess what George and I found today?"

"What did you find today, Fred?" I asked still focused in on homework.

"The way to enter the One Eye Witch passage." He said with raised eyebrows.

I quickly turned in my chair and basically yelled, "WHAT! Really?"

"Shhh! But yes. Want to come check it out with us?" asked George.

"Sure! When?" I asked.

"Well now of course!" said Fred.

"But, I just want to do a little more stud-" but before I could finish George was packing my bag.

"Alright, looks like I'm going to drag you then." Said Fred when he scooped me out of my chair, set me back down, and pulled me by my arm all the way to the secret passage. George went back to the common room to collect the map. Awhile later we arrived at the statue of the witch. We waited for George for about 20 minutes when he came running down the hall with the map in hand.

"Sorry guys. I was stopped by McGonagall on my way down here. She just had to talk to me about this ruddy parchment. Too bad she doesn't know it's not just a ruddy piece of parchment." George said with a smile.

"Never mind the story let's get going through this passage to see where it leads!" I said.

"For once George, I'm with Beth on this one." Said Fred.

So with that we all said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." And the map appeared we checked to make sure no one was near to see us go through the passage. Luckily no one was near, so we looked at the map again and saw a speech bubble appear about the witch that said, "Dissendium" so we did the same and together said "Dissensium." With this the witch's hump opened and reviewed a hole in the back George without any hesitation climbed in and told us to follow.

Fred jumped in next, and I followed. When I climbed down, I fell and landed on Fred.

"Oh shoo! Sorry Fred!" I exclaimed.

"Oh no problem, glad I can be here to catch my dear friend." He said with some pain and sarcasm in his voice. I climbed off him and helped him off.

We looked down the long passage and I asked them, "Where do you think it goes?"

"Well only one way to find out." Said George. So together we followed the path for what seemed like hours when George hit his head on something solid.

"Bloody hell! Ouch!" George exclaimed. After rubbing his head for a bit, he pushed on the stone above him and found out it was able to move. He pushes it slowly out of the way and climbed through the hole.

"Guys! Get up here!" He told Fred and I."

So Fred and I climbed through the hole. I was too short to get up so Fred had to pull me through but when I say what I surrounded by I let out a quiet "Wow." We all looked at each other for a bit when Fred said,

"Guys you do realize where this is at right?" Seeing that George and I had no idea he finished with, "we are in Honey Dukes cellar! I can tell by the labels and sweets. Charlie brought us some last week when he visited Hogsmeade!"

"This is incredible." I simply said when we hear something upstairs creek. We all looked at each other and quickly climbed back down the hole in the floor and placed the stone back in place. We then started walking fast back to the castle.

"This is the greatest discovery ever!" Said Fred.

"I know! No one is bound to know about this but us!" Said George.

"Guys. Promise me you won't go back this year." I said.

"What why?" They said in unison.

"Because the owner could have seen us or caught us! We need to be careful next time, and you guys do realize what time it is right? It's 12 a.m.! We have been gone for 3 hours! We need to study for our exams! Promise me now!"

"Alright. Fine." Said George.

"I don't know why you care so much your not my mother." Said Fred. "I just want to have some fun every now and again." With that Fred sprinted back to the castle where we later found him outside of the fat lady's picture. "I forgot the password."

"What makes you think you deserve it?" I said.

"Look I'm sorry. I promise I won't go back - this year anyway." he said with a slight smile that is so hard to resist.

"Fine." I said, turning my back on him and telling the fat lady "brilliance is a gift." I then ran back up to the dormitory where I found my backpack on my bed and note from Lucy, who was fast asleep in the bed next to mine, that said "I saw this in the library. Explain to me tomorrow." Looking at my items, I realized we packed my bag, but went off in such a rush I forgot to grab my books. With that I changed into some comfortable pjs and fell asleep with ease.

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