Term Resumes

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A few days had passed since the run-in with the mirror. I know. I know. I promised the guys I wouldn't trying to go look for it again, but I can't help but feel curious. I want to know what it is. I've looked through almost the whole library section over Hogwarts and not a bloody thing over a mirror! I was with Fred and George now. We are finishing our essay for transfiguration and I just completed my last paragraph and am getting ready to head back to my dorm to get ready for supper. While walking up the stairs I was thinking to myself, about how I never really thanked Fred for the gift he got me. I should do that tonight.

I finished getting ready to go down to the great hall for supper. I did not put anything real special on, just a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark red long sleeve. I got down to the bottom of the stairs when Fred was getting ready to head up.

"Whoa. Sorry Beth. Are you heading down to supper also? George and I just need to put our things away and we will head with you!" he said running up the stairs.

"Sounds great Fred." I said rather bummed that George would be coming with us. I wanted to talk to Fred alone about the gift he got me. I walked back over to the table where George was still sitting. "Did you get done with you essay? If you need some help I can show you a few things in this book my mom sent a few weeks ago."

"Nah. I only have 2 more inches to go. I should be done in a few. Hey Fred! Just go down without me, I want to finish this and it could be a little bit." George said.

"Alright. Ready Beth?" asked Fred.

"Yeah, George are you sure you don't want us to wait for you? You just said you only have-"

"Now, now Beth I know you are kind and all but don't wait for me." He said pulling me closer to him before whispering, "Plus I know how much alone time you have had with Fred over the holidays, maybe now you can confess your love for him!"

I looked at the stupid smirk he had on his face before I rolled my eyes at him and said, "You are so stupid, lets go Fred." We stared heading out of the common room, and walked in silence for a few minuets. "Sooo.... Glad Holiday is almost over? I know I am. You and George are becoming too much to handle on my own." I said smiling at Fred.

"Speak for yourself. You are a handful yourself." he said while smiling that stupid but incredibly cute smile. "But it will be nice to see Lee and Lucy some more. I bet you miss her."

"One. I am not a handful. And two, yes I do miss her. I just feel like we haven't talked much this year. I don't know if that's because of the summer, or just because she has been too busy. Or I guess she is just trying to spend more time with Lee."

"I am just gonna say its the latter of the three." Fred said smiling again.

"Hey Fred?"


"I just wanted to say thanks for the charm you got me. It looks really nice with the charm bracelet you got me last year." I said trying to hid my blushing face.

"Eh. No biggie. I am glad you like it though." He said with a growing serious tone to his face. "I have a question for you now. Why would you dye only the roots of your hair black? No offence if you like it or whatever, but i'm going to be honest it looks kinda stupid."

I started laughing so hard I had to sit down on the ground. "Oh gosh. I thought I had a lot worse coming for me than my hair when you started saying you had a question. But I didn't dye it." I said gathering myself together and standing back up. "It's weird. It's like it's changing drastically for no reason. It's my natural hair, I can't do anything new about it!"

"Wait. You didn't dye it? How is this possible?" He said examining my hair.

"I have no idea. It started loosing it curl back in the summer too. I'm just wondering if it's a puberty thing. I have no idea though. Anyway let's get some dinner. I'm starving!"

"Couldn't agree more!" Said Fred sitting next next to me at the Gryffindor table.

Several days passed and term was about to resume. Lucy and Lee are back and the whole gang has been hanging out twenty-four seven.

"Now come now Beth! Tell us more about the time you snuck out! Fred and George won't tell us a thing!" Said Lee.

"There is really not much to it. We snuck out after hours and hung around in an empty classroom." I said feeling bad I couldn't tell them the truth. Lucy and Lee have no idea about the map, nor do the twins and I want them to know. It's our little secret.

"Ugh. You guys are sooo boring! But I am impressed that Snape did not catch you. He's always lurking the halls at night." Said Lucy.

The twins and I just all looked at each other and smiled. We continued the conversation about their holiday trips and such. Before we knew it it was 1 o'clock in the morning. We said our goodnights and went to sleep, not knowing the first day of classes would be extremely stressful.

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