The Revealing of the Map

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Now that term has started, we were being hammered with homework. What was even worse was that we had double potions with the Slytherins. I mean potions was already bad enough with Snape as the teacher. He hated Gryffindor with a burning passion. I think he took a minimum of 10 points per class from us. No one really blamed anyone though, all Gryffindors know that he is biased in classes. We just try to make it through the day making up for lost points.

Weeks have gone by I've kept in touch with Cedric every now and again and now that Lucy and Lee were back we have been hanging out a lot lately.

"Gosh I don't know what I'm going to do with out you guys over the summer." Said Lee.

"Lee! That's like 3 months away." Yelled Lucy.

"Yeah, Lee don't think about that yet. We will still have plenty of time to hang out. Plus, we should do something special for your birthday." I said.

"That would be a great idea Beth! I mean you guys held a little party for me in November for my birthday!" Said Lucy.

"I mean you guys wouldn't have to." Said Lee now trying to hide his embarrassment.

"We can do something this Saturday! It can just be us and the twins. Nothing too big. Is that okay Lee? We don't want to do anything unless you are okay with it." I told him.

"Like I said, if you guys want to, go ahead. It would be kind of fun to do something over the weekend that's out of the ordinary." Lee replied.

"I'll go tell Fred and George. I want to look at what they are working on anyway." I said looking at the twins working at a table with their heads together. I got up and snuck up behind them and yelled,

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" when I said this George head butted Fred and Fred fell out of his seat. I couldn't decide what I should do, laugh or help him so I tried to suppress my laughter and helped him up.

"That was...haha.. Graceful...haha" I told Fred.

"Why would you do that?" Said Fred.

"You know me I like to have a little fun." I said giggling." Anyway, what are you two up to?"

"Well, my friend, you know that parchment that we found in detention with Filch? We think that we are finding a way to reveal as to what it is. Watch." Said George. "I'm up to no good." When he said this the parchment fluttered a little and went back to lying flat.

"How did you guys do that?" I asked.

"Well, we think that to access the writing you have to say a code or saying. We have figured out part of it, but we don't know what the rest is." Said Fred.

"Hmm. Interesting. Can I try?" Fred nodded his head and I said, "I swear I'm up to no good." With this the map opened and we saw a faint outline of words. They vanished as soon as they appeared though so we couldn't make out what they said.

"Wow. That was the farthest it's ever opened! We just need one more word!" Said Fred with excitement.

"Well. I mean it's making us swear so like a promise. What's another word that fits with this?" I asked while thinking. "Well, this is a serious matter we are dealing with. So, what about this? I seriously swear that I'm up to no good." Yet again the outline of words appeared only this time the word "close" appeared on the parchment.
"We are close! Guys everyone think really hard. It has to be another word for serious or something like that!" Said George.

But before George could finish Fred yelled, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" And with this little phrase the parchment grew dark with red ink revealing the words "Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs proudly present, the Maruaders Map." We all looked at each other in amazement. I grabbed the parchment and opened it. I almost dropped it in astonishment. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a map of Hogwarts!

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