Sirius Black

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Now back to my normal day to day routine, I lay in my bed reading a new book that I didn't even bother to check the title of. It's mostly about creatures and what we use from them. For example, how unicorn hair is used to make wands and some are even used in potion making. It is an interesting read, but I'm getting tired of reading all the time. I look at my watch and see that it is already 7 p.m. I decide to go down for supper, I head that the special tonight is some type of soup. I grab a few knuts and head down the stairs. But, not paying attention to where I am going I run into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying... FRED?" I say in shock, for none other than the Weasley twins are standing in front of me.

"BETH!" they say together. George climbs up a few stairs and grabs  me into a hug. I noticed that they have both grown, in more ways than one also. Not only are they taller, but their hair is quite long, compared to what it normally is, and they are a more muscular. I can tell even with all their layers of clothing, because when George grabbed me his arms were HUGE. Okay, so they weren't that big, but you get the idea. Fred is the same when he hugs me also.

"We were just on our way to your room!" says George.

"Tom told us we might find you there." says Fred.

"I wasn't expecting you guys for another few days! When did you get here?" I ask as we head back down for supper.

"Yeah, we came back a few days early, Mum and Dad were worried about being late if they stayed longer, security is being doubled now that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. What for sup-" Fred tries to say but I interrupt him.

"Wait, someone escaped from Azkaban?"

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of Sirius Black, Beth! He killed at least a dozen muggles almost 13 years ago." says Fred.

"It's really strange, because no one has managed to do it until now. Escape that is." says George. He is about to go on but a watriss comes up to our table and asks what we would like to eat. "Three of the specials. Soup and bread, yes?" she shakes her head and turns away. "Hope that's what you all wanted."

"Fine with me." Fred and I respond with at the same time. We turn to each other and I can feel my cheeks blush. Fred really does look good, he has matured nicely.

"Anyway." I say trying to get Fred out of my head. "Why haven't the guards of Azkaban caught him yet? I forget what they are called, but I read that it is impossible to get past them."

"Dementors, scary things if you ask me. The thought of them makes me never want to enter Azkaban ever." says Fred. "Dad went there once, Azkaban I mean, and he said they make the place miserable. He said he felt like he would never feel happy again, and that was after only one afternoon. Think about what years would be like in that hellish place."

We stop the conversation when Tom delivers our meals and asks what we are talking about so quietly, we all look at each other and start saying things about our summer. After Tom leaves the conversation stays on that topic and we stay at our table until the late hours of the evening.

The next few days are as eventful as ever. We explore Diagon Alley, which is mostly me showing them everywhere I have been throughout the summer, while they mess around. We spend one afternoon getting our books, while checking out we run into Oliver.

"Hey guys, I spent all summer devising a new training program. I know we are going to win the Cup this year!" and without a goodbye of any sorts, he goes back to his shopping.

"Nice talk." I say to the twins.

"Oh, we both know that you were all about that, Beth. You and your lover, Oliver." says George, and Fred laughs.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. Lets go guys, I want to see if Hermione is here yet. Plus, I haven't gotten a chance to talk to Ginny, either!" I say.

"That's just because we are much more entertaining." says Fred as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I get goosebumps suddenly and feel the butterflys in my stomach multiplying.

"You keep thinking that." I say trying to hide my embarrassment. It is too late though, George looks at me and notices that I am blushing.

"Well, Beth. Any other news you want to tell us?" he asks. I look at him wondering what his attack method is I see him shuffle his eyes from Fred to me, back to Fred.

"No, no. Notihing like that George, although I guess I haven't told you about the letter I got from my Grandma, have I?" while in fact I haven't told anyone, because I just received it this past week.

"Wait, your Grandmother finally replied to your letters?" says Fred, pulling his arm away.

"Yup. It said this," I said thinking about how the letter went,

"Dearest Bethany.

I am so, so, so sorry to not be there for you while you were in trouble. I am not just returning to the country from my trip with the girls and was not receiving any owls while I was away. I was traveling too much, so by the time they, the owls, got their I was mostly likely gone. Now I am back home and will be coming to see you as soon as you reply telling me where you are. Please forgive me, I will never leave again.

Francis, Grandma."

"So, is she coming here?" asks Fred.

"Tomorrow. She is so worried that I am here alone." I say.

"Well we were too, that's why we wrote every week. Wanted to make sure little Beth was okay." says Fred messing up my hair. I don't mind though, which is unusual, but I play it off my running away from his taunting and hiding from the boys. I go far enough ahead to where they cannot see me, so when they start to pass-by I run out from my spot and jump onto Fred's back. He grabs my legs and shakes his head. "Gosh, you are not that light you know. Give me some warning.

"Rude. I am not fat!" I say a little offened he said something like that.

"Not what I was meaning. You just startled me that's all. Wasn't expecting you to jump on me." he says now trying to brush off his mistake.

"Alright, but next time you call me fat, you are going to have to come up with a better excuse than that." I say  laughing, because I know he really didn't call me fat, he just doesn't know how to interact with girls. It is quite cute actually.

We continue walking, as I am no longer getting a ride from Fred, and finally meet up with Ron and to my surprise Hermione and Harry as well. We talk for hours about everyone's summer until we are retire to our rooms. Fred walks me to my room, and tells me goodnight as I close the door.

"Night, Fred." he smiles and walks away, taking my heart with him. 

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