The Burrow

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I lay on the floor, thinking to myself. "What just happened. Where is grandma? What happened between my mum and her?" I have so many questions buzzing through my mind I can't keep track of them all. I hear a cracking noise again and I jump to my feet. Someone is here. I grab the closest object to me and I make my way towards the kitchen. I hear pots and pans moving around and I creep into the kitchen. I let the book in my hand drop to the ground seeing that the person back in the house is grandma.

"I didn't know you left this morning, where did you go!?" I say sort of screaming at her.

Grandma turns around and looks surprised. "I thought I came into your room, yes, yes, I came into your room and woke you up around 7 saying that I was leaving for the afternoon." She finishes waving her hands and in this was no big deal.

"So where did you go?"

"Diagon Alley, which reminds me I got you money for school books here. Thought I would be ahead of the game, so you don't have to rush around everywhere when you go with the Weasleys. Also that should be enough for the rest of the year, so don't spend it all in one day!"

"Alright." I say. I keep debating if I should tell her about what happened with the man today in the house. I decide against it and instead walk back up to my room. I grab my book and begin to read about the romance that was spurting between the two main people to take my mind off the events that happened.

"Sweetie! Supper is ready!" My Grandma calls up the stairs. I am finishing up a potions essay, the last one to do over the summer. It has been a few weeks since the incident from where I was attacked by a complete psycho in my own home. No one knows besides me and I have deiced to keep it that way permanently. I know it isn't the smartest thing to do but I don't want to worry grams, plus she really wants to go on this vacation and I don't want to hold her back from not going. She is leaving tomorrow so she cooked one last meal for the two of us to eat together one last time until possibly next summer. I walk down the stairs and I set the table.

"Mmmm. Something smells good. What did you make?" I ask.

"Oh just some chicken and potatoes. Here, dig in." She sets the plate of food on the table and we begin to help ourselves to the food. "So do you have everything packed?"

"About. I have a few things I will pack in the morning, but otherwise I'm good." I reply. We then sit there in silence. The past few days have been hard. We know that we wont see each other for a long time so we don't want to make things harder by spending a ton of time together, so we have started to distance ourselves from each other. It is really sad, but it has been like this since the day I was.. you know. I have a feeling that the talk with the minister didn't go too well, but I dare not ask.

"I know I haven't spent much time with you this past few weeks, I have just had some things on my mind and I don't know how to go about with dealing with them. This vacation will help though. Next summer will be a better one." She says as she grabs her plate and goes back over to the kitchen to clean up. I sit there in silence and wonder. What happened that day in Diagon Alley?

"You have everything?" Grandma asks.

"Yes, for the hundredth time. I have all my money, clothes, books, school robes. You name it, I have it."

She chuckles for the first time all month it feels like. "Good. Lets pack the car and I will drop you off at he Weasley's. Does that boy know you are coming?"

I look at her in surprise. "Who? Neither of the twins know. Actually Molly and Arthur are the only ones who know. I asked her to keep it a surprise."

"Well that's nice of her. Are you sure you will be alright there this summer?"

"YES. I will be fine, the guys will love having me there."

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