The First Task

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A few weeks have passed and Harry Potter is the second Hogwarts champion. They let him enter, and I am worried for his life. The first task is going to happen soon and I am unsure if he is ready for this. I have done research and some tasks were battles between the champions and some sort of creature, or there have been ones where they needed to solve riddles to escape from a confined space. Either way, Harry has not been doing his research, and he is not  prepared. 

"Harry, have you been practicing spells?" I ask as we are sitting in the common room.

"Absolutely, because this is what I want to be doing." He replies back rather snarky. 

"Alrighty then, be that way. I am just worried, as is Hermione, why we keep bugging you!" I say. As Hermione nods in agreement.  

"Shes right Harry, you are a little less experienced than the others and you should be working twice as hard if you want to succeed in this competition. Let us go practice that summoning charm again." she says. They both get up and head somewhere else to practice. 

I start thinking about how worried I am for Harry, he is my only family, besides Sirius, but I hardly hear from him since he is on the run. It is still hard thinking of him as my father, but he has shown a new side to him, and hes shown that he really cares about me and Harry. Then I think about who else I am worried about, Cedric. We are still friends, just not as close and this tournament is making me realize it. Wanting to see if I can find him somewhere I get up and head to the Great Hall where they are serving lunch at noon, since it is a Saturday. I look around the room and see no sight of him, however the pumpkin muffins they have sitting there were too tempting and I grab one for the road. As I am heading out, Fred almost knocks me over. 

"Woah there darling, I know you must be excited to see me but, please do not knock me out." he says with that charming smile of his. 

"Oh please, I am just heading out. I want to see if I can find Cedric." His smile turns into a frown, realizing he is starting to get mad I continue, "just to congratulate him and wish him luck on the task next week. That is all. Promise. I just haven't talked to him much, and I need to keep friends."

"Alright, I understand, want to take a walk on the grounds sometime soon though? Just you and me?" He says.

"Anything for you darling." I say with a wink, and give him a quick peck on the cheek and head for the library. 

I walk in and start searching the rows looking for Cedric. I have almost given up hope, when I see him deep in a book about counter attacks. I slowly and quietly walk up behind him. 

"Not planning on attacking anyone soon are you?" I ask behind his ear.

Startled, he turns, "only if someone is wanting to give me a heart attack. Jesus Beth, scared the crap outta me." He gets up and gives me a warm hug. "You smell like pumpkin."

I laugh, "The muffins in the Hall are great, went there looking for you, was hoping to talk."

"Talk huh? Feel like its been awhile." I think and it has been since the Quidditch World Cup. 

"I know, I have no excuse. Just things with my mum and other things have kept me...well occupied."

"Things with your mum? I thought she was missing?" he says.

I start explaining to him what happened to me at the World Cup. How Amycus Carrow was hunting me down and said something about my mum. 

"Woah. So what is happening now?" he asks. 

"Dumbledore is looking into several things, I do not know where she is at or anything else. It is just frustrating."

He nods. "Well are you doing alright?"

"Please, I am worried about you. You have the first task coming up.  Are you ready?"

"I'd like to think so. Studying up extra, defense and attack spells."

"Well, I came here mainly to wish you luck. Anything else new with you I need to know?" I ask.

"Uhh.." he thinks for a moment, "nothing out of the ordinary." he says smiling. 

"Alright, well if I do not see you before the tournament, good luck. I have some studying myself I need to get done. See ya around Ced." I say walking away as he waves goodbye.

I wake up. The first task is today. 

Harry is already gone, I head to the stadium with Lucy, Fred and George are straggling behind and being obnoxious asking for gambling money. Gin"ny runs up to us. 

"What pigs, and to think I thought they could not be more..."

"BETS BETS TAKEN HERE! BETS!" The twins scream in unison.

"...annoying." She finishes rolling her eyes.

We walk into the stadium and we see a rocky course ad realize there are eggs scattered in the middle. We hear a cannon go off and Cedric walks out, and suddenly a dragon appears from the shadows. It strikes and flies around. A breath of fire escapes its mouth and I let out a slight scream. Cedric avoids it by casting a spell. He runs to the other side and catches his foot on a rock, making him trip and cut his arm. He manages to stun the Dragon and he then runs for the golden egg. The crowd cheers. 

"Dragons! I cannot believe it!" I say to Fred. 

"Worried Cedric was not going to make it?" he snickers.

"Fred. Harry is in this too. And Cedric is a friend. I am not explaining this to you again!!"

The next two champions go and now it is Harry in the pit. He walks in and summons his broom. The Firebolt. He runs around avoiding the fiery breath of the horntail and jumps to his broom moving from side to side trying to confuse the dragon. This makes the dragon furious and it manages to break out of its chains.

"OH NO!" myself and several others around me scream.

Harry flees away and the dragon leaves a trail of destruction through the stands where the professors are sitting.

"GO DRAGON!!" scream the twins. 

What feels like forever goes by. Harry still isn't back.

"Hermione. Where is he!" I say desperately. 

However she does not answer. "YES!!! YES!!!" shes clapping and I look where she is looking. Harry is on the horizon and then swoops in and grabs the golden egg. 

Cheers fill the common room that night. However they stop suddenly when Harry opens the egg. A horrible screeching noise fills the room and I cover my ears. The egg closes and someone says, "What the bloody hell was that?" I turn and see Ron at the entrance of the room. 

"Well everyone go back to their knitting." says Fred. 

I start to head up to the girls dorms when Fred grabs my hand. 

"Hey," he says.

"What do you want, besides for me not to have friends." I ask. 

"Beth, look I am jealous, I will admit it. I need to get over that. I will work on it harder. I know he is one of your good friends. As you should have, especially now." he hugs me and kisses me goodnight. 

I go to my bedroom and see a letter waiting for me on my pillow. I recognize the handwriting immediately. Sirius. 


So hello again. I am happy to say I will be writing again after over a year. Lets start off this right with a little question time.

What would you guys like to see happen in this story? AND What has been the best plot line? I am thinking of dropping a few soon as it has been so long since I have written. 

Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks guys! 

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