Confessions I Need to Make (Fred's P.O.V)

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George and I were making our way to class the day after the Quidditch match and we both were extremely tired from last night. We scurried our way though the Halls and finally made it to Potions. I sat down with George at our table and saw Lucy take her seat in front of us. Wondering where Beth was at I asked Lucy,

"Hey, Lucy." She turned around to say she was listening. "Where is Beth?"

"I really don't know. She left before anyone got up this morning, at least I think she did. She wasn't in the dorm anyway."

"Oh probably went to the Library." I say trying to hide the fact that I am really worried. I turn to George and ask, "Where do you think she is?"

He looks around the classroom. Everyone is seated and Snape is beginning his lecture. "I don't know, but it is very unlike her to be late. I'm a little worried." He says with a hint of confusion in his voice. "Maybe she is just sick. She told me after the game she wasn't feeling too well."

"That's odd. She told me she was just bruised a little." I say a little hurt she didn't tell me the truth.

"Well I don't blame her. You two haven't talked in weeks. Why is that anyway?"

"MR. And MR. WEASLEY. If you would like to share your conversation with the rest of the class now that would be extremely...helpful. Or please say what would I get if I mixed unicorn tail hair with.."

"Now, now Professor Snape I was just telling George here how worried that Bethany has not shown up for class."

"Disrupting my class like usual. 15 points from Gryffindor. Now..." Said Snape as he continued on with his lecture, I glanced at George and we mutually agreed to finish the conversation later.

Now that potions and Charms are over I am really worried as to where Beth is. "George. Do you think we should as a Professor?" I ask as we are waking to our last class of the day, Transfiguration.

"After class lets ask McGonagall, she knows almost everything about what goes on in the school. She will know where Beth is, but I'm sure she is just sick or something Fred. For all we know she just went to the Hospital wing this morning."

I think for awhile and come to my senses. "I am over reacting. She will probably be up in the common room better by tonight."

"That's the way to think." George says as we take our seats for class.

The lecture goes on and on when finally class is dismissed and McGonagall calls George and I to the front of the class. We are just probably receiving detentions from disrupting class, like normal.

"Yes Professor?" I say as we reach the front of the classroom.

"Follow me, there is something that you both need to see." She says as she starts making her way out of the classroom. Winding through halls and stairs we finally reach the Hospital Wing.

"Excuse me Professor, but what are we doing here?" says George.

"This way... This may be a little of a shock." she says as she pulls the curtains away from a bed post to reveal Beth, frozen, eyes and mouth open in shock, as if she saw something before...

"What... what is this. What's wrong with her?!" I say almost in shock trying to figure out what happened to her.

"Beth, just like Mrs. Norris has been petrified. She will be cured, but it will take time for the mandrakes to come to full maturity." says McGonagall. "I'll give you both some time here. But, you must leave soon. New rules are being put into action tonight."

George and I look at each other and Both take seats next to Beth. I reach out to take her hand, but pull back. She is freezing cold and hard as stone. I reach out again and hold her hand as best as I can. "George, what could have done this..."

"I don't know Fred." he says. I look up to see him also holding Beth's hand. A part of me wants to tell him to stop, but then I think about all he has done for Beth. Because of me, she needed someone to help her constantly, because I was jealous and stupid.

"This is all my fault."

"Fred, how could this be your fault?" says George now looking at me with growing concern.

"I let her go to the library alone last night. With that Collin kid and Hufflepuff kid getting hurt also I should have stopped her or gone with her." I say.

"Fred, you would have gotten hurt also. It is not your fault. Now, lets say goodnight to Beth, we can come back tomorrow. We need to tell Lucy and Lee." I shake my head in agreement and once George is walking out of the room I make my way closer to Beth and gently kiss her on the head.

"I love you Bethany May Violet. I'll see you soon." and with those words finally off my chest I feel like a new person. "I am going to be a better person for you Beth. Until you need me the way I need you, I will wait. I will watch you be with Cedric, or Oliver or whomever you choose, and I will not be jealous. Why you ask, because I know, with all my being, that you will be mine in the end. As I am forever yours. But until then, I will wait for you."

"Lover-boy..." I l quickly look over to see George staring at me, slightly smiling. "I'm glad you have finally realized your feelings, but we need to go."

"I thought you weren't in the room anymore. How much did you hear?" I say slightly embarrassed about what I said aloud now.

"A good chunk, but it wasn't anything I haven't heard before. You talk in your sleep." he says smiling. He wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me to his side. "What would I do without you."

"You sure wouldn't laugh as much."

"As you wouldn't without me. Now gerr'off" I say shoving his arm away. "All this mushy brotherly love thing is just too much."

"But, confessing your love for Beth, while she is frozen and can't hear you isn't?" He says. I look at him and I realize we are now in the common room. Oliver and Lee are talking and I decide to go ahead and tell them. As soon as they hear the news they are speechless. We all sit in silence for awhile and Oliver breaks the silence.

"I'm, i'm going to go, to.. bed. I need to figure out who will take her place in the match."

Figuring this is his way of coping with bad news I just shake my head and ask Lee where Lucy is.

"She went to bed already. I'll tell her in the morning. We can go see her together then. I'm sorry Fred, I know how much she means to you."

"Yeah... Night Lee." He and George  walk away and I continue my thoughts as I follow slowly behind them up to our dorm. "She means everything to me."

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