A Weasley Story (Freds P.O.V)

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"I can't believe her. Wood? Really? He's the biggest player out there! Bloody hell Beth." I start ranting to George.
"Fred, calm down. They won't last long. If anything it's going to be over by our 5th year. He will go focus on Quidditch, and she will still be at Hogwarts. How did you find out anyway?" Asks George.
I think to myself. Do I want to tell him. I look at him and decide to tell the truth. "I'll tell you, but promise you will never tell her."
"Alright. Go."
"So you know that night, when she left the common room in the middle of the night. We were all sitting around the fire and I got up to go talk to her?"
"Yeah, it was the last night there."
"Well I went to talk to her and she was all shaky and worried. She said she just wanted air and to walk around, but when I asked to join her she said no. But it wasn't a 'I want to be alone' no, it was defensive and a 'don't follow me' no. So when she left I went and told you I was going to go pack. Which I did do it just took me-"
"Fred. Back on topic please."
"Right. Well I was packing, but then I saw the map."
"Oh Fred, you didn't."
"But I did. I got it out and saw her wandering around. I was worried so I snuck out of the common room and followed her. I was about to go up to her and talk... But then he barged in. Then he told some stupid lie about how he loves her and a lot of other stuff."
"Fred. You had no right doing that. I know I'm your brother and your best friend, but let the girl live a little bit. I know she loves you. She just doesn't know it yet. Give it time." And with that George got up and went downstairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Awhile later I went downstairs and say dad was home from work.
"Hi dad." I said smiling, happy to see him for the first time in almost a year.
"Fred! George just got done telling me about school. I know you guys think alike on most things but tell me. How was your second year?"
"Fine. Too much work if you ask me though." I say chuckling.
"That's my Freddie. Straight to the point. Now let's go eat." Dad says patting my shoulder.

It feels good being home don't get me wrong. But I'm missing something. I go back up to my room after cleaning up after supper and sit at my desk and get out a piece of parchment. I think for awhile and start writing,

Wow does it feel great to be home-"

But then I stop. I realize and remember I am mad at her. I don't even know why. She didn't do anything, but it's better this way. I don't want to talk to her. Just then an owl I know all too well comes fling through my window. I see the letter attached to his leg is addressed to me. I open it up and recognize the handwriting immediately. Beth's.

I'm really sorry I did not tell you about Oliver and I. I just did not want to upset you and everyone else. But you especially Fred. No matter what you are my best friend. Even Oliver cannot take that away from you. Please. I'm begging you. Write back to me.

I fold the letter and put it with all of her other letters, in a book under my mattress. I think about finishing the letter to her, but then decide to go pull a prank on Ron instead.

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