Letter to Lucy

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"Oh, Beth. Let me get that. I don't want you doing all the work your first day back from Hogwarts. It's Christmas. Take a seat and relax. I'll get supper ready."

"If you insist, Grandma." I say.

It is the first day of break and I have decided to join my grandmother for the holiday. We are back in her house and will just be expecting a few of her friends to stay with us over the holiday.

In regards to my 5th year, nothing is really different from the rest, other than the amount of homework I get each night, and let me tell ya. This Christmas break was no exception. I have an essay and multiple potions to memorize for the O.W.L. Exam at the end of the year, so I will be in my room most of break studying and such. As for Quidditch everything was going.. well it isn't too good. The first game of the season Harry was attacked by dementors and fell off his broom. So we lost against Hufflepuff. Cedric wouldn't let that one go for a month, he felt bad and everything, but he was happy that he didn't loose to Harry for a change.

Speaking of Cedric. Things between us are, well as normal as the could be. We talk like normal, except whenever he wants to say something about the two of us together, he walks away. It makes me sad that he has to act like this just because of me. I'm hoping that by the end of break he will realize that we are better friends.

That and I know now that I really do have feelings for Fred. Deep down inside I think I always knew. Even when he ran into me that day in Diagon Alley. He was the first boy to ever look at me as a girl, not just as a friend. I just wish he knew I liked him, and that I knew if he liked me or not.

I walk back up to my room as I am thinking this and lay down on my bed. As I am lying there I hear an Owl at my window. I look up and see Errol, who is about to fall backwards on the window ledge. I hurry and get up and rush to open the window pulling him inside. I see he has a small package on him and I release it from his leg immediately. He rushes over to Moe's cage and begins eating food and before I know it he is asleep.

"What a pathetic owl, oh well, I'll just send you back in the morning." I brush the thought of Errol aside and begin to open the package. Christmas presents from the Weasley's. A new sweater and a fudge from Molly, a few sweets from Ginny, and Zonko products from the boys. I then see a letter fall out from the mess.


Happy Christmas! This is a little early I know, but I thought better send it now rather than later. How is everything at your Grandma's? Everything okay? No nightmares hopefully, seeing I'm not there to protect you. (Just kidding, I know you can handle yourself). But. Hopefully everything is okay! Sorry we didn't get you much, we are running out of ideas! Plus your charm bracelet is getting full, so I didn't want to make it heavy! Hope to see you soon!

Fred and George (and everyone else.)'

I smile to myself and make a mental note to thank them all for the gifts when I send Errol back. I already gave everyone their presents before I left. But, now again I cannot stop thinking of Fred. So I decide to do something I haven't done in.. well forever. I get out parchment and some ink and begin writing a very long letter.


Happy Christmas! I hope you like the muggle book I gave you. You always ask about the ones I am reading so I decided to get you one of your own. (Don't worry, its a good love story).

Anyway, I'm writing for a reason. I need advice about a person. Whom, I may or may not have feelings for, but is also one of my best friends, and I don't know if he likes me more than just a friend. I am sure you know who I am talking about, its Fred of course. I have been thinking about him non-stop this break. That and I have also been debating if I should tell him, I am interested in him, or if I should just stay quiet. I know you joke with me all the time about just telling him, but that just seems too unrealistic for me. I mean, you know me... I'm shy, quiet and I keep too myself about my feelings. I mean hell this is the first time I'm telling you I like Fred. WITH ACTUAL WORDS! Just send me some realistic advice. REALISTIC.... PLEASE! Thank you!

Much love, Beth

P.S. The shoes you got me are great! I can't believe you found them on sale too! I LOVE them! But I love you MORE! See you soon Lu!'

With my hand cramping and Moe ready for a delivery, I label the letter and send him on his way. Just as he leaves the room my grandmother enters.

"Dear, dinner is ready! Come, I made one of your favorites!" she continues talking but I zone out and begin thinking about Fred again. This break better go by fast.


Author's Note:

YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I JUST HIT OVER 10k VIEWS ON BE MINE, FRAD WEASLEY!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! All of your support means so much to me and I just want to make this the best story it can possibly be!!! So I promise not to let anyone down as I do my best with this story. SO PLEASE keep reading and liking the story! I truly does mean a lot to me!! I know it is a long read and it really has taken me forever to write the thing, but all the good stuff is about here! THANK YOU AGAIN!!

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