Quidditch Tryouts

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It was now a few weeks into the term when I saw a notice on the common room board.

"Quidditch tryouts will be held on:

Friday September 27th from 6-8 p.m."

I quickly ran to the twins and told them to go sign up. They did as they were told and we started talking about tryouts.

"Well, I heard that Charlie is automatic seeker. No one else can compare to him. And Oliver is the keeper. So that leaves two beaters and three chasers." Said Fred.
"Well I think we all know who is going to get those positions as of now. We three are the only ones signed up. And I know Alicia and Angelina will sign up too. But other than that, I haven't heard of anyone else that would be interested." I told the group.

"Well let's not worry about it too much. Let's just survive till tryouts shall we." said George.

"Yeah well I'm going to study and finish my transfiguration essay." I said. "See you all later."

"See ya." They said back in unison.

I gathered my things and headed to the library to study as usual. I was relieved to find it almost completely empty. I always hated having too many people in here. So, I said at an empty table and got out my quill and parchment and continued on my essay.

A few hours later I finished my essay with an extra 6 inches. I just hope Professor McGonagall doesn't mind the extra length. So, I put away my essay and got out my Defense Against the Dark Arts book. We had to read the next few chapters on vampires by Wednesday.

"I see you like to be ahead of the curve." I looked up to find Cedric sitting across from me.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"Well, I mean only 20 minutes, but I'm glad you finally noticed." He said chuckling softly.

"I'm so sorry! When I read, I tend to ignore everything around me. Including people." I said.

"Eh, don't worry about it. Watching you read was rather calming. Your eyes were so intense reading each line. It was rather amazing really." He said.

"You were watching me?" I asked now curious of his actions.

"Well uh. I mean I looked and saw you... Sorry won't happen again." He stuttered out.

" Don't worry about it. No harm done." I said smiling. "Oh. Do you know the time? I must have forgotten my watch in the common room."

"Yeah, of course it's uh wow 10:37. I better get to bed. Need to get my rest for Quidditch tryouts." He said yawning.

"You are going out for Quidditch?" I said now more excited than ever.

"Yeah, something wrong about that?" he asked smirking.

"No! I just had no idea! I'm going out also!" I exclaimed.

"You're joking! That's awesome. I'm guessing chaser?" He said now a little more awake than before.

"Yeah, hope so anyway! What about you? I thought the Hufflepuff team was full?" I asked.

"It is we are just in need of a seeker replacement for Jones. He broke his arm the other night and, of course it was mended in seconds, but he says it's not the same. He wants us to find a secondhand seeker just in case." Said Cedric.

"Seeker! That's amazing! Even as secondhand you'll have a better chance when Winston, or Jones as you lot like to call him, leaves!" I exclaimed.

"I sure hope so." He said now becoming a little red.

"Oh Cedric! That's amazing! Anyway, you are right, we should get to bed. Walk with me out?" I asked.

"Would I be your friend if I didn't?" He said chuckling again.

"No, I would renounce our friendship." I said in all seriousness. He looked at me now worried. "Oh I'm just joking." I finished slightly elbowing him.

"Oh good. I thought you were serious. Anyway, this is my turn. See you later!" He said going up the left flight of stairs while I went to the right.

"Bye Cedric." I said.

The week was moving on faster than usual, and before I knew it Friday had arrived. All through classes I was nervous and not paying attention. We were in Defense Against the Dark Arts when Fred, who sat next to me, whispered, "nervous much?"
"What?" I said stupidity, not realizing I had been staring out the window the whole period. "Oh tryouts. Yeah, a little."

"A little? You haven't taken a single note this hour! It's a little unlike you to do that." He said looking a little worried.

"I just want 6 o'clock to come soon so I can get this whole this over with. 5 other people signed up last night. What if I don't make it?"

"Then you try again next year! But I highly doubt you won't make it. I've been watching you fly when you go out to practice. You're basically a natural. Charlie would be an idiot to not put you on the team," said Fred.

"Well than- wait you have been watching me?" I asked.

"Well, I mean I was just making sure you were alright mostly. Waking on the ground at night by yourself at night can be dangerous. I've just been keeping a distance to make sure you were alright. But then I saw you fly. I was amazed." He said trying to say himself from embarrassment.

Now blushing I said my thanks to Fred when we heard the bell telling us it was time to switch classes. They all flew by in a whirl and now it was 6 o'clock. Time to fly.

"That was amazing Beth! That last goal you had against Wood was spectacular! I think even he was impressed!" Said George.

"Damn right you are George. I was impressed." I turned around to find the gorgeous fourth year Oliver Wood standing behind me. "Some fine flying you did there. I'm Oliver by the way." He said holding out his hand.

"Beth." I said shaking his hand.

"Yes." He chuckled. "I know. One of the newest additions to the team. Charlie just told me. You Alicia and Angelina will be great. And with the two Weasley's as beaters we should have an unstoppable team! Anyway, I'm off. See you all at practice next Wednesday night! First match in three weeks. It's against Hufflepuff. Can't wait!" he said before flying off.

Wow. Oliver Wood. Lucy and I both agree he is one of the finest guys in Gryffindor. And he just congratulated me! ME! Wow. I must be-

"Hello Beth! Wipe the drool off your face!" Said George.

"What! Oh sorry just thinking." I said.

"Yeah about Oliver." Said George laughing even harder.

"Was not! Well, I'm going to go tell Lucy about tryouts. Night guys." I said to the twins.

"Night!" They yelled in unison.

Wow. I'm on the team. I can't wait to tell my mum. I'll send a letter in the morning. First, I must tell Lucy about what Oliver said! Ahhhh!

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