•Chapter two-Rain•

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Hello! Okay, I haven't updated in a while sorry I am having issues with myself a bit and decided to take a break but here I am back and will be back and maybe with some ideas for the chapters that are coming up maaaaybe some Angst✨🥰 cause I enjoy writing them but in the end will, of course, there will be fluff ANYWAYS I love you guys and thank you for being patient and reading my story's♥︎♥︎♥︎

George's POV

George woke up and saw ranboo is still sleeping, he got up and went to the bathroom, finished and decided to make breakfast before going to work which starts after 3 hours.

George started making eggs with bacon, He saw ranboo rubbing his eyes and walking into the kitchen.

He smiled at the sight and chuckled, George treated ranboo like his younger brother and found it adorable how when ranboo was young he would always cling onto George.

His mother is friends with ranboos mother that's how George and ranboo met but when ranboos mother passed away Georges mother took ranboo for adoption making ranboo and George siblings.

"Want some bacon with eggs?" George asked smiling, "mhm" ranboo hummed and sat on a stool and rested his head on the table.

George laughed a bit at how tired ranboo was.

George placed ranboos plate with eggs and bacon on it "Here eat" ranboo lifted his head and started eating.

"How's your work ranboo?" George asked, "eh pretty good it's getting more views and I started streaming other than publishing on youtube".

Ranboo spoke with a tired voice "that's good any idea's for the next video?" George asked, ranboo looked at George surprised "you have been watching my video's!?".

George laughed "of course, I've been watching them!" George laughed at how surprised ranboo got.

George always supported ranboo no matter what and ranboo was grateful to have an older brother like George.

"George, what happened last night?" Ranboo suddenly asked, "um.. I got chased by a random dude with a knife that lead me to panic..".

He looked down "Here take this" George looked up and saw ranboo handing him a pepper spray with a pocket knife.

"This is yours I can't take them you need them," George said with a serious tone "George I rarely go out take it".

"Fine but when I buy one I'll give it back okay?" Ranboo nodded "I'll go with you to your work to make sure your safe okay?" Ranboo spoke as he finished the tea that George made him.

"Okay..but it's okay ranboo don't worry" ranboo shook his head "no you might get killed or worst I'm NOT letting you go to work without anyone watching you and making sure you're okay after what happened yesterday".

George nodded as he didn't want to talk about what happened yesterday but understood that ranboo doesn't want to lose his beloved older brother.

George handed his first customer their order and looked at ranboo who was sitting in the corner behind him while eating a muffin.

"George, who's this?" Bad Georges boss asked, "um if you don't mind may my younger brother stay with me until my work is done?".

"Of course" bad smiled and waved at ranboo, ranboo waved back awkwardly and smiled nervously.

Bad walked away and George laughed at how awkward ranboo was being, he waited for a customer.

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