Chapter eighteen-~-Free again-~

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Hello hello, how are you today? I hope you're doing alright :D

3rd person P O V

Dream hummed with the music playing in the background, Rain pouring down faster than usual.

He looked next to him and saw George asleep.

happens all the time

He laughed a little then paid attention to the road.

After their little adventure at the park, they decided to go home, it was 3:58 am.

They arrived and Dream parked the car, He looked beside him and George is now awake with lidded tired eye's.

A small smile appeared on Dreams face "what are you looking at idiot?" George mumbled, His voice low.

"Get up were home" Dream huffed and looked away "yeah I'm colour blind, not blind," George said getting out of the car.

Dream laughed at Georges comment and got out.

Dream opened the door and Sapnap was sitting on the couch "where were you guys?! I was planning on playing Mario kart with you guys" Sapnap fake cried.

"We just had a little adventure at the park" Dream chuckled "Yeah he was dragging me around like a toy" George said crossing his arms.

Sapnap laughed "was it fun though?" He questioned, George thought for a second "Yeah it was pretty fun" He smiled.

They went to bed, Dream in his room thinking and George fast asleep in his room.

I know what you are thinking I am thinking the same <:D

I know what you are thinking I am thinking the same <:D

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Dream slept for 3 hours that night, He stayed up thinking about his life and feelings.

George went down stair's and saw Dream with his head resting on the counter, Coffee mug in his hand.

"Good morning?" George sat beside him "Morning" Dream responded, his voice raspy, tired.

"did you even sleep?" George asked, concerned "just a few hours" Dream looked up with his droopy smile, his eye's closed a little.

"What were you doing?" George chuckled "thinking I guess? my mind couldn't shut up" He rested his head on the counter.

"oh." George was about to speak "and you can also go to work today if you want. I talked to your manager".

"Are you for real!?" George said excited "Yep" Dream laughed a bit.

"okay..can you stay with me? I'm kind of nervous" George's excitement soon turned to anxiousness.

idek if that's a word heh "anxiousness" tbh anxiety isn't a joke I have it and it sucks

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