Chapter 35

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George ran as fast as he can after his interaction with Schlatt.

"Get him! He went straight!" Schlatt shouted, "oh fuck this shit man." George grumbled.

He took a right "where am I even going." he panted "I don't even know the layout of this stupid park!".

"Fuck you Sapnap." he groaned, he saw an exit gate "I should probably exit the park. I can't run in circles all day."

He ran over to the gate, not even looking behind him "what if...I call dream or sapnap." he pulled out his phone.

"Low battery?!" he screeched, "what the fuck?" he looked around him, no one was here except him.

George looked at the time "10:45 pm." he sighed " let's hope I get home safely and not get abducted by an old man."

He jogged out of the park and looked around him for any street sign "street idk".

"Oh! I remember this!" he decided to run left and found the local bakery "this isn't so difficult as I thought." he chuckled.

"George?" a familiar voice asked, George, gasped and looked up "god you startled me." George laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Ranboo questioned, "he's here!" one of the Schlatts guards yelled from afar.

"Uh, I gotta run." George pointed behind him "do I run?" Ranboo asked with wide eyes "I guess?" George shrugged.

"How do you get in these situations?!" Ranboo ran next to George "I don't even know!" George answered.

"Turn left! It's a shortcut!" he grabbed Georges wrist "how do you know this street!?".

"Tubbo lives here!" they took a turn into an alleyway, George kept tripping over trash bags.

"Oh my God." Ranboo sighed "shut up and keep running." George glared "yessir."

In the alleyway, they were in before they ran right and it lead them behind a building.

"Do you even know where you're going?" George looked up at Ranboo "we're going to tubbo's house!".

"I randomly take shortcuts in this street so it's easy for me to get to his house." George nodded and kept running.

They reached an apartment, a short Brunet boy was standing outside "tubbo!" Ranboo yelled as he panted.

"Come in!" Tubbo motioned for them to get in, George and Ranboo entered the apartment complex.

They were greeted by an old woman who goes by "carol".

She had bright blue eyes with brunette hair that had a few white strips in them, she wore a green floral dress with a white blank apron wrapped around it, I guess she was cooking? and a strong feminine British accent.

"Oh! Toby, are these people here to rent an apartment?" she turned to look at Tubbo as he closed the door.

"No grandma. That's Ranboo and George, my friends." he smiled at George, he returned the gesture.

"Hi.." George smiled and waved, she looked at George with a surprised and warm smile.

"Great timing." she clapped her hands excitedly "I baked bread!" she grabbed Georges wrist and started to lead him into the kitchen.

George looked at Tubbo nervously, Tubbo just nodded and followed them.

Carol sat George down on a wooden chair and grabbed one bread and gave it to him, George took a bite.

It was soft and sweet, it reminded him of the french bread his mother used to cook back in England.

"Good?" she asked, he nodded, Carol sat down on the wooden chair placed in front of George.

Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia au]Where stories live. Discover now