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Laughter was heard in the kitchen at 6 am in the morning.

"Will you stop that!" The brit shouts laughing with his eyes closed "that's what you get for attempting it on me!" The blonde stops tickling George and takes off to prepare coffee for them.

George glares at him then huffs and places their food on the plate "coffee for you~" Dream says in a singing manner making George giggle "thank you." He pecks the blonde's lips, both of them smiling as they pull away.

They sit down and eat their food. Sapnap strolls into the kitchen "good morning love birds." He yawns before plopping down on the stool across the couple.

Dream rolls his eyes with a proud smile, coffee in hand "where's Karl?" George asks while chewing, covering his mouth "he'll be here any second now.." Sapnap murmurs before relaxing his head on the marble counter and taking a nap.

"Hellooooo!" Karl says with energy full to the roof joining the kitchen "I am tired and can't think straight." He stretched before sitting right next to Sapnap.

"So what are your guy's plans today?" He questions tilting his head "plans?" George hesitates. Dream glints at Karl "oh uh never mind." Karl shakes his head with a quick smile.

"Yeah! Mhm." George agrees with his mother when in reality he isn't even paying attention "I've been thinking, George." His mother chuckles while George has his mind in another universe, settling on the couch, thumping his pen on his notebook.

"Have you ever thought of getting a boyfriend?" The brunets mind teleports back as soon as his mother's question chimes through his ears "wha what?" He tries his best to not sound alerted or surprised.

"I said, have you ever thought of getting a boyfriend?" She repeats. George worries for a while, not knowing if he should converse with her about Dream "I uh...don't know?" The last bit sounded like he was suspecting himself which in response he got from his mother was a simple hum.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" This is when the Brit finally stiffens, panic creating their way up "do you mum?" He decides to overturn the question, learning his mother will go on and on about how she's feeling about getting to know someone.

"Nope! Working on it since the person I'm with doesn't appreciate me." "Hey! What- no Marie!" Another voice appears along with his mother bursting out laughing. George smiles at how delighted his mother sounds.

"I appreciate you! Don't say such things to your son. I want him to approve of me being with you." A frown could be heard "you hear that George!" The brunettes mother exclaims "Yeah, I hear that very clearly." Dream comes into the room looking messy with blood dripping down his tie, an exhausted expression on his freckled face, mask in hand.

"Anyways I need to go. Safe flight mum, love you." George smiles listening to his mother and her partner argue and snickering with each other "bye bye gogster I'll call later. Love you much much more!" Her yelling could be heard from George's phone as he removes it from his ear, cringing from the loudness.

Dream chuckles lowly and shakes his head, going to sit beside George. The brunettes mother hangs up and he directly turns to look at Dream "what. the. hell. happened to you?" George eyes him up and down "uh...got in a fight in an alleyway while getting...something." The blonde says with a nervous expression.

"And that something is??" George crosses his arms, scooting away from Dream cause he's entirely covered in whoever's blood "it's it's a surprise." Dream avoids eye contact. George tilts his head at his suspicious act but doesn't comment on it.

"So...what are you doing?" Dream sets his mask on the black precious coffee table "listing things I have to do in my apartment for my mother." The brunette grabs the notebook "for example, changing the sheets and tossing stuff I don't need."

"Mhm. Can I help?" The blonde beams with a smile of excitement to be able to assist his lover with such small things "no. You go take a shower." The brunet huffs and gets up, snatching his keys in the process and evacuating his and dreams floor. Leaving Dream flabbergasted.

Why is he so grumpy today?.. Dream sits and thinks about things he missed to do for George for him to be this grumpy...oh right..forehead kisses...water his plants when he was at work...didn't make the bed..oh god that's a lot of things and what's worse is, there's extra.

The blonde flings his head back, humiliated at himself "how the hell could I forget these things.." he grunts "better take a shower and then check up on George." He mumbles before getting up and going to shower.

George huffs as he plops his books in the brown box..why'd I even save those...I don't read those kinds of novels anymore. He shoved the box aside and proceeded to wipe the dust off his desk...have I really been living with dream for a long time for the dust to grow here...

A click of the door echoed through the neat apartment. The brunet rolled his eyes already knowing its Dream cause he gave him a spare key for whenever he'd come over to look for George.

"Georgie?" The blonde blurted out "in my room!" George called back, dropping the towel. The door soon opened uncovering a tall messy dirty blonde with fresh new clothes that fit his body perfectly, revealing the muscles on his arms and his abs. George glowed a bright red before quickly looking away. He never thought of Dream in a suggestive way before, just the blonde loving him nothing more like THAT.

"Hm? You alright?" Dream smiled a contagious smile that'll always make George's stomach flutter with butterflies "I I'm okay." He turns and picked up the towel on the ground, not realizing he accidentally stepped on the small cardboard under his shelf. Effecting it to move and fall on George.

The brunet squealed as two arms instantly heaved him towards them protectively tight. A loud bang rang in his ears as he inhaled and exhaled heavily in dreams chest. The blonde's arms loosened up and he looked down at his love "are you seriously okay?" He asked again this time, his voice fused with concern.

"I'm fine. Just overwhelmed." Dream scoffs "you're not working anymore." He hoisted the Brit off the ground "Clay put me down!" George scolded draping his arms around the blonde's neck "I'll clean the apartment. You rest." Dream lied George down on the couch "no!" The brunet hissed "That wasn't a question. Was it George?"

George shakes his head in defeat, earning a sweet chuckle and a kiss on the forehead "now rest while I clean the apartment. Call me if you need anything." The blonde covers George with a soft fluffy blanket and made sure he's relaxed "stop pouting, you're too adorable." The brunet rolls his eyes and covers himself with the blanket, hiding away.

"You're very easy to fluster. It's cute." Dream caresses George's head "stop itttt let me sleep." "Oh? Now you want to sleep after yelling at me to put you down." "Clay!" "I'm just messing with you!!" Dream wheezes. George struggles to stay furious but a smile creeps upon his blushing face "George?" The blonde calls "what..?"He  sighs "I love youuu." Dream sings.

The Brit laughs "I love you too."

George shook awake, scenting a nice lavender scent making him open his eyes "oh you're awake." Dream smiles and sits on the floor right next to him and kisses his hand. The brunet shuts his eyes trying to go back to sleep "wake up love." Dream rubs his fingers on George's slightly freckled cheek "I have a surprise for you.." George hummed before looking at the blonde.

His gaze turns to the flower bouquet on the table "too tired." The Brit mumbles "hm..okay baby can you make some space for me so I can cuddle you?" Dream gently brushes away the hair on George's face.

"How about..no." The brunet giggles "oh? Yeah? Okay, then I'll sleep on the ground." The blonde grumbles "go ahead." Dream waits for a reaction from the sleepy George to see if he's serious or not.

After seeing no reaction he decides to just sleep on the ground.

A couple of hours go by and Dream got woken up by George pleading and whining for Dream to wake up and sleep with him on the sofa.

1438 wc

No date in this chapter. Only grumpy George.

Date assumably next chapter since I don't have any idea what's their date going to be like.

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