.:Chapter 42:.

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It's been a few days since the incident happened and George still hasn't spoken to Dream.

Dream at this point stopped trying to start a conversation, he used to try so hard to make George talk to him but George wasn't responding.

He even sleeps on the couch but George doesn't seem to care so he kinda just gave up.

Dream sighs sipping his coffee, paper in hand with a pen "good morning." Dream says.

"Morning.." George mumbles sitting down next to Dream, the silence..it's awkward from what they are used to.

Their mornings used to be full of love and comfort but right now it's silent, very quiet.
And awkward...

George POV:.
Dream hasn't been himself...
He's distant.

Did something in his head click? Or is he just tired?

He's being different from last week.

Dream stands up and walks out of the kitchen.
No forehead kisses...
No hugs...
No cuddles...
He doesn't even try to start a conversation...

Yeah..our relationship is not going well...

It's been a few weeks since Liam died and I'm still not over it.

I think it's affecting my and Dreams relationship...

George got up and followed after Dream.

Opening the door he saw Dream sitting at the desk with his head on the table.

George approached Dream slowly from behind and put his head on top of Dream.

"George?.." Dream mumbles "yeah?..." George answers.

Dream looks up at George, eyes closed "Dream go to sleep.." George tangles his hand in the blondes hair.

"I can't.."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"You aren't there." Dream smiles.

George scoffs..idiot.
"Get up." Dream gets up lazily following George towards the bed.

George climbs in the blanket, Dream flops on top of him "Dream you're heavy!".

"You just called me fat." Dream wheezes "I didn't mean it like that." George grumbles pulling the covers.

"Then what did you mean George?" Dream smirks.

Georges face heats up "Am I too much for you George?" Dream leans his face closer.

"Wh- What? No!" George pushes Dreams to face away, Dreams laughs "idiot."

"Yeah, I am your idiot." Dream smiles, George huffs.

Silence falls over them as Georges mind is still not over Liam.
The image is still in his mind, so clear makes him want to throw up again.
Dream is just tired and laying on top of his lover slowly drifting to sleep.

"Dream? Are you awake?" George asks, Dream nods "quick question." Dream perks up at this and opens his eyes halfway to look at George

"Why did you kill Liam instead of getting him taken away?.." Dream sighs at this question.

Dream POV

What do I say?
"Cause I'll be taken away as well." No?! that's fucking selfish.


"My instincts kicked in." What am I? A fucking animal?

"I killed him out of panic."
I purposely killed him.

"I don't want you two together."
That's kinda possessive? Even though it's the truth.

"I don't have a reason."
I'm a dick if I said that, I wouldn't blame George for hating me cause I'll also hate myself.

"I want you to be safe and unbothered." This is the truth.

"I want you to be safe and unbothered..you could've got hurt or worse." Dream huffs.

"I guess you're right.." George sighs "Dream is 100% right." Sapnap spoke.

"Sapnap! Learn to fucking knock!" Dream snapped "what? Just came to see my friend who just suddenly disappeared." He rolled his eyes taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"What even happened?" Sapnap asks "long story." George chuckles.

"Is there something your hiding?" Sapnap asks almost in an aggressive tone that Dream noticed immediately.

"Sapnap? What kind of question is that?" Dream says taking note of his brother's change of expression, Sapnap shrugged.

"I and Karl booked a cabin and we're wondering if you guys want to join us?"

"What do you think? Do you want to go?" Dream whispered wrapping his arms around George and rubbing circles on his shoulder.

"If you want to go then I'm going." George shrugged Dream nodded "yes! This is going to be so fun!" sapnap jumped and left the room.

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment till Dream spoke.

"It's just us now."

"Shut up." George huffed.

860 Words

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