.:Chapter 64:.:Wilbur:.

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I can't let him see Dream in this state, he'd break. I know he'll break. I warned Dream about getting close, but he didn't listen. He listened to something else, something that grew every time he saw and interacted with him.

I guess...Dream never really listened to anyone but himself and George.

I suppose you can't talk out a person who's chasing a dream he can't get.

I think, maybe. That lead him to an unhappy ending.

Maybe. Behind that cold hearted serial killer, there was a nice man called Clay. Clay who looked out for everyone, Clay who made everyone laugh, Clay who helped everyone but himself. Clay who had big dreams that he couldn't reach.

Clay who had lived an awful life but still made everyone around him happy, made them feel included, safe and protected. He was a leader, he tried being a friend, he succeeded in being a lover. But most of all, he was a little kid who had big yet simple achievements.

Maybe it's best if he rests. Right, we'll grieve, but in the end, he'll be at peace.

His story wasn't the best, nor was his ending, but he laughed.

He laughed as he was slowly bleeding out in his aunt's arms.

He chuckled. He laughed. He smiled.

Imagine if he wakes up, seeing all of us show the hidden admiration we felt for him. Us, his crew. Who was afraid of him and kept a straight face whenever he was pissed. I'd feel ashamed.

"No!" George yells in my arms, struggling in an attempt of escaping "He's okay. He's going to be fine." I reassure him and hold his head to my chest "He doesn't look like he's going to be okay.." he sobs quietly, his movements dying down and just accepting my embrace.

Shamed for how I acted toward him.

I sigh at his words "He will be okay." I bite my lips as my eyes water. I look inside the room he's in, I catch a glimpse of his face from the door being slightly open.

When he was only trying to be nice.

"Let's get you calmed down." I look away quickly. I never thought of myself crying over his unconscious body, I guess I got too close. Maybe a bit too close.

Shamed, and guilty for my actions.

I always hated the way he bossed us around and ordered us to do things, but it's our job, we have no right to be upset. He did everything for us and there were we, talking about him behind his back.

He gave us free bedrooms with nice sheets, paid for our food, paid us for our work, and included us in events. He treated us like we were his friends. Personally, I would just listen, Punz would do the talking, Tommy would just laugh, Sam just...was there with a straight face. And Bad would stay quiet.

I'd say, Bad is the best besides everyone I work with. He's a true friend.

Punz is just an asshole, chasing after Dream's money. Although he'd always be beside Dream, protecting him and listening to his orders.

Sam is..Sam. I got nothing to say about him honestly. Just that he always judged Dream, then get upset if Dream matched his energy.

Sapnap..well..he's funny, a goofball I'd say.

If I could change the way I acted towards him, I would. I'd want to be a true friend, stick beside him, keep his secrets with me instead of sharing them with the crew, and help him when he was at his lowest and struggling to keep steady. And I'd take his training classes and really learn from him.

Show him that we care and that we love him and that he can be his true self than the act he has to put on to keep his reputation.

Make him feel like he's our friend and it's not only one sided.

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