.:Chapter 41:.

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Dream POV:.

"Dream?" George called snapping Dream out of his thoughts.

"Wh- yeah?" Dream chuckles like nothing is wrong and looks up at George.

"You didn't answer my question."George tilts his head, raising an eyebrow "What question?" Dream laughs nervously.

"I asked about the shipments? What are they about?" George deadpans sighing "oh. Right! Right! Sorry."

"You know..weapons..drugs..and illegal things.." Dream explains nervously.

"What do you do with them? Do you sell them?" George asks, Dream nods.

"Well..the weapons we keep them and the rest we sell them or store them at my casino." Dream states closing his eyes and leaning forward, pressing his face against George's chest.

"You have a..casino?.." George questions "yeah." Dream hums.

"Why do you ask?" Dream murmurs "I want to know what you do that's all." Dream nods.

Silence filled them as George messages Dreams head, Dream slowly fall asleep.

Dream POV:.

Waking up in bed with someone you love feels good, having someone whisper "I love you." and "good morning." Every time you wake up makes me feel happy and warm.

That is until he started going to work...

"George..you can't go." Dream whines, hugging George from behind "Dream I miss them..please."

He missed going to work and seeing his friends along the way.
Karl, bad, maybe Liam...

"Aren't you worried?.."

"Dream." George frowns looking at Dream with beady eyes "I won't be scared knowing you will be watching." He rolls his eyes grabbing his keys off the table near the front door.

"George." Dreams say in a stern but soft voice, catching George off guard almost "Clay." George sighs.

"Georgi-" before Dream could even get a word out, George left.
Just like that, out of the door.

Dream sighs facepalming walking to the kitchen to get his coffee mug.

Sitting down and grabbing the stacked papers and placing them down in front of him, Dream continued signing the papers for his bar.

George POV:.

Ah, I missed this.

Waving customer's off with a smile, calling Karl and giving him a note of what the customer wants.

Watching people walk in and out, listening to their conversations...Tea..ofc...

"They became roommates.." Karl whispered giggling slightly "yeah I know.." George whispered.

"Ugh, I wish my life had a bit more action.." Karl sighs dramatically throwing himself over, George.

"Karl don't say that." George shakes his head "you got Sapnap." Karl scoffs "yeah well Sapnaps is annoying." He says.

"You don't mean that." George twirls around throwing the towel in the sink, Karl shrugs.

"Anyways...I'm leaving in 1hour.." Karl yawns "where are you going?" George asks writing down an order and handing it to Karl.

Karl takes the note "Going to Tina's house, She's streaming jack box." Karl grabs a hot chocolate off the table and places it on the pickup line.

"Uh- Samuel?" He calls, A man with brown fluffy hair came running with a backpack over his shoulder.

Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia au]Where stories live. Discover now