Chapter five-Schlatt.

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"Now listen here dave if you don't want to make this harder......
then it is then tell me where the fuck is your boss?"
Dream slammed his hand on the table.

dave flinched and looked away.


"Are you sure?".

Dave nodded, Dream shook his head.

"Okay then I guess you'll never see your Parents again " he smiled.

"no! Stop! Please....I'll tell you where he is heading next" dave pleaded "good" Dream chuckled.

His father entered the room "dream come here for a second" he nodded and left the room.

They stood outside the room "clay are you gay?" Dreams eyes widened "w-what?".

"Are you ga-" his father smiled "um well..not gay but bi" he sighed scared that his father won't accept him?

"That's okay" his father patted his shoulder, he smiled.

"I got him to tell me where schlatt is heading next" clay spat out.

"By threatening them again?" He sighed "he wouldn't tell me! first torturing them is messed up and I don't want to do that, second threatening them is better." clay listed.

"Good how about we kill his family instead of his parents only" he huffed.

"I don't mind "he smiled "now when will I meet this George boy your always talking about" his father smirked.

"Dad we just met a few weeks ago there's no way he likes me" clay sighed "oh I'm sure he likes you" he chuckled.

"Plus dad you have seen him when checking the camera's with Karl and when we got him back yesterday".

"I haven't seen him or talked to him" he shook his head "you have a point" clay chuckled.

"let's continue finding where schlatt is heading" his father lead clay into the room dave is.

Short chapter cause I am running out of ideas.

Thank you guys for voting, I love you guys good night or good morning to whoever is reading this


323 Words

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