Chapter seventeen-~°•Running together•°~

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3rd Person P O V.

It has been 2 months since George moved in with them.

"Clayyyy" George whined "what?" Dream sat on his office chair doing paperwork while listening to George rambling about random things.

Dream focused on the paperwork as George's voice soon became muffled, all Dream could hear was his pen clicking.

"Are you even listening to me?" George chuckled, Dream snapped out of his trance and looked up.

He smiled "as I was saying. When will I get out of here?" George sighed, Dreams smiled soon turned to a frown.

"Why? Don't you like it here?" Dream leaned his back on his chair "it's not that I don't like it it's just..".

"I miss going outside" George swung his legs on the couch.

God this feels terrible...

"We can go to the park if you want" He placed his pen down "Wait! Really? It's like 12 am "George smiled.

"Of course" Dream laughed at his reaction.

That smile never fails to make me feel warm.

They got up and went to their rooms to change, George wore black jeans with a beige sweater.

Dream wore high waisted dark blue jeans with a white button-up.

They got in the car heading to the local park, laughing and joking with the music muffled by their voices while only focusing on each other.

Just the two of them enjoying the other presence.

Windows slightly opened, Cold breeze washing over them neither of them cared.

Dream parked and George got out, Dream following behind him.

"God. This feels nice" George took a deep breath, Dream chuckled and smiled "you could've just told me you wanted to go out".

"You were always busy" George shrugged "I'm sorry" Dream walked beside George.

"It's fineee" George giggled "what's your favourite colour?" George asked while looking at the sky "Green, Yours?".

"Blue that's the only colour I see" Dream gasped "your colour blind?" George laughed "mhm" he hummed.

"What colour are my eyes then?!" Dream walked in front of him, George leaned in Dreams face, making eye contact.

Oh god...

Dream's face slightly reddened "piss yellow-" George broke into laughter, Dream realised and laughed.

Piss yellow...Ouch

George calmed down "your eyes look beautiful don't worry" Dream froze, George realised and his eye's widened.

I recommend listening to this song just to feel the vibe if you want <3

They walked in comfortable silence "Follow me I have a place to show you" George tilted his head, confused as he looks at Dream walking out the park.

"Come on!" Dream chuckled, George ran to Dream as he stood there waiting for him.

He held out his hand, George looked at it and raised an eyebrow "Hold it so you can catch up without getting lost".

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