Chapter nineteen-A new person arrived.

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Tw! Mentions knife


"Agh!-" Schlatt groaned as he was punched in the face "What the fuck is wrong with you!?".

"You could make hundreds selling him!" He tried kicking but his legs were tied up on the chair.

"Plus your strangers! You don't know each other!" Schlatt lifted his head.

He saw Dream glaring at him, Schlatt scoffed "oh my god you are dumb as fuck!".

"As soon you kill me and everything goes back to normal he'll leave"

"I doubt he even feels the same if you even asked him."

That sentence hurt more than it should have.

Dream chuckled "You may be fifty per cent right." Deep down he knew it was one hundred per cent right.

Dream wore his black gloves and started preparing his tools "wait- no no stop" He pleaded.

"I change my decision! Go after my family instead.." Dream froze.

He laughed "selfish" Dream took off his mask, Silence filled the room as Dream leaned on the table.

Deciding which tool to use "Are you going to let me go?" Schlatt asked.

"Too bad that's not going to happen." Dream sighed "What!?" Schlatt yelled.

"I guess you forgot my business" He shrugged, Schlatt grumbled, "Dream you fucker I'll haunt your ass!!" Schlatt yelled.

Dream laughed "I've done this many times Schlatt." Schlatt had enough and started throwing a tantrum.

"Your only making this harder for yourself." Dream approached him with a Knife.

"Keep that shit away from me!!" He tried to break out from the ropes.

Tw ended

The dream left the room, his clothes bloody, his mask covered with blood, a knife in his hand.

He headed to his room upstairs "Clay?" Dream froze and looked at where the noise came from.

George was standing there, Head peaking out his room "what are you doing?".

Dream looked at Georges expression and realized he was still covered in blood.

His eyes widened "don't worry about it" He walked into his room as soon as he finished his sentence.

'Fuck it's 3 am why is he still awake.' He picked out his clothes and went to shower.

George POV

George laid in his bed, replaying what he just say "well that was expected" Niki's voice caught him off guard.

He forgot Niki was still on call "uh yeah" George stared at his ceiling.

He forgot Niki was still on call "uh yeah" George stared at his ceiling

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Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia au]Where stories live. Discover now