.:Chapter 45:..family dinner:.

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"Are you okay?" Dream asks, pulling out his gloves to wear since it's really fucking cold outside. "Do I look like I'm okay?" George asks with an unreadable expression.

Remember the time when dreams dad called Dream to come back for missions and stuff? Yeah...

George is nervous. He has never met his father nor has he met dreams aunt and uncle who are waiting in the house to meet George.

"Here you can take my gloves." Dream gave George's his gloves since he was shivering "their too big." George chuckles at Dream.

Silence takes place in the car as both George and Dream stare at dreams large mansion.

Dream slips off his mask and sighs "listen. If any of them try anything, don't be afraid to talk to me. Alright?" Dream instructs seriously, making George more nervous and overwhelmed than he already was.

"I'll make sure none of them tries anything cause if they did, I'm cutting their heads off. There is no way I'll let them talk to you in a way that'll make you upset or scared." Dream huffs. George laughs lightly at Dream making Dream smile and shrug like he didn't just say he'll murder his family over a delicate petite brunette.

"Isn't that too harsh? I'm sure they won't do anything." George let out a breath he didn't know he was holding since he entered the car "too harsh? No. Cause no one gets to talk about you like that, ever." He slips on his black leather gloves and takes out his keys from the car.

"Now come on," Dream took George's hand "don't worry I'll be by your side. Okay? love." George blushes at the name and nods "relax..they won't try anything, I'll make sure of it." Dream kisses George's hand gently and rubs it, warming it from the shivering cold.

"Okay.." George smiles slightly. Dream slips on his mask and they both get out of the car, standing in front of the large mansion.

They both walk to the door and knock on it, waiting for a reply which is answered quickly by the door opening immediately. A warm breeze washed over Dream and George making them sigh.

"Dream! It's been so long! Come in." His aunt greeted him with a smile, known to be fake as always. Dream walked in with George holding his arm.

"Oh! And who's this?" She pointed at George "this is George, My boyfriend." Dream smiled even though they can't see him through the mask "hi.." George waved and she instantly grabbed his hand, shaking it.

"Hi! I'm Marisa. Dreams aunt." She smiles and George smiles back. Dream and George walked to the dining room to see dreams father and his uncle playing Uno...what kind of mafia plays uno...

"I DRAW FOUR BITCH TAKE THAT." Dreams uncle cheered with a grin on his face "what colour?" His father asks with a calm expression.

"Red, The only colour you don't have." His uncle laughs. Dreams dad pulled out another draw four, making dreams uncle eyes go wide almost like there bout to pop out of his sockets.

"Take that. Bitch." Dreams father was no one to lose a challenge. He'll get what he wants one way or another...like father like son...

Dreams dad grinned wide, proud of himself. "That's okay..we still have a long way to go." His uncle said, collecting the 8 uno cards "I'm not losing that easily."

"Yeah right. I won 3 games already." Dreams dad hummed "I want the colour green." Of course green. This man adores his son more than anything.

"Speaking of the colour green, Dream is standing at the door." His uncle said. Dreams dad immediately looked at the door frame, seeing his son holding another boys hand.

Dreams dad smiled "come in dream. take a seat, maybe we'll get to play like old times..remember?" Dreams dad asks as Dream and George take a seat.

"I remember...I was 14 at the moment." Dream chuckles still holding George's hand in his. Sometimes squeezing for reassurance.

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