Chapter twenty-Response

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George got a message from his phone, he grabbed it and opened it, his eyes squinting from the light.

He looked at who texted him "eh..?"

George groaned as he took off his charger and sat up, laying against the bed frame

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George groaned as he took off his charger and sat up, laying against the bed frame.

He clicked on the message and it lead him to their first conversation.

Liam: George? are you awake?

George: why? It's 3 am

Liam: I was thinking maybe we should hang out tomorrow :)

George: no

He turned off his phone and set it on the bedside table and laid on his back, trying to fall asleep.

Georges phone buzzed, he ignored it, it buzzed again, he ignored it, it buzzed twice.

He grew annoyed, it stopped buzzing for a moment.

He smiled closing his eyes again.

It buzzed.

Georges smile dropped, he grabbed his phone and put it on silent and grabbed the fluffy blanket his mother gave him before he went to the united states.

He wrapped it around himself and laid back down, soon he fell asleep.

At 5 am.

George jolted up by his door opening with a loud thud and looked at the door, there stood Sapnap with a grin on his face.

He rolled his eyes and dropped his head on his pillow, trying to fall asleep again.

"Georgie get up we're going training!!" Sapnap ruffled Georges hair "stop" George spoke, his voice muffled by his pillow.

"Georgie" Sapnap continued teasing him "I got work at 8 leave me alone" George yelled annoyed.

"And don't call me that" He pulled his blanket to his head "Oh? So only Dream could call you that?" He smirked.

"what?" George's eyes widened as he looked at Sapnap "did I stutter?" Sapnap crossed his arms.

"Bitch" he tried to keep himself from laughing but broke down "oh my god" George rolled his eyes and stuffed his face in the pillow.

He felt someone put their hand on his hair and started ruffling it slowly, George grabbed their hand and pulled it away.

"fine but I got work at 8 am." George glared at him "sir yes sir" Sapnap laughed before leaving George's room.

George got ready, he was wearing a normal white turtle neck with plain black sweat pants.

He heard some shouting downstairs, George went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Sapnap and Dream arguing.

"it's 6 in the morning" George crossed his hands as he watched Dream approach Sapnap closely.

"Good morning George." Dream turned to look at him, Sapnap stayed glaring at Dream angry.

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