.:Chapter 49:..Shock:.

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George awkwardly stood beside his mother struggling to unlock his apartment door "Well this is one suspicious looking apartment complex.." his mother muttered "Yep. But don't worry, nothing happens around here.." thats a lie george scolded himself in his mind.

"Ya sure?" She laughed nervously enterning her sons apartment "100%..." The brunet let out a long breath placing his mother luggage beside the coat hanger "Do you have anyone else living with you George?" She held up a green oversized hoodie with an eyebrow raised. His mother knows what size he wears and this hoodie seems overly big for her son.

George's eyes widened "Uh yeah! Karl lives here as well." he pointed at the door next to his bedroom, That's true "Karl? he moved here with you?" A smile appears on his mother's face remembering Karl from George's school "Yeah actually."

The brunet nods as he watches his mother drop the hoodie where it was placed on the kitcher counter and took a seat on the couch "So George, got any friends?" his mother concerns resting her back on the cheap couch that's too comfortable for it's price. George knows how to spend his money well.

"Yeah Niki, She's nice and she lives close from here as well." he took a seat next to his mother "She sounds sweet, would like to meet her someday." George smiles at his mother's comment "George." she squints her eyes at the brunet. George gulped nervously "You don't use musky perfumes." oh fuck. shit I forgot to get rid of Dream's perfume.

"That's Karl's." She nods with her eyebrow's furrowed "Weird how I never smelled it from him." She thought out loud, her eyes scanning around the room for anything that doesn't seem like her son. The brunet bit his lip anxiously not wanting his mother to find out he has a significant other.

Questions like "What if she finds out-" etc drowned Georges mind as he nervously fiddled with his hoodie strings "George?" his mother chuckled at her son's actions "What's gotten into you today?" she looks at him with a worried smile.

"Mum...Can I tell you something? but please swear you won't get mad at me." George searches his mother's eyes for anything, any kind of reaction from her "I know you don't get in trouble goggles...so I doubt it's anything bad." She shrugs carelessly.

George bites the skin in his mouth hardly before speaking "it is very very bad..." he mumbled "I'm dating someone." his mother's eyes widen with excitement "Who?! boy or girl?! George tell me!" she beams happily holding Georges hands...here goes nothing.

"I don't think you'll be fond of them." her head tilts to the side, eyebrows furrowing in the process "What do you mean?" The brunet cringes at his mother's tone of voice "it's a he...and they have a job that pays them well...but not a job that you'll like hearing." his mother nods her head "what's his name first?" she asks.

"Clay Anderson." George's gaze turns to Dream's hoodie on the kitchen counter "Hm...Clay by Clayton right?" she laughs squeezing Georges hands "Not exactly. but Clay." She nods with a smile "Now what job do they work?" his mother squints her brown eyes waitng for an answer from George.

"Dream?" Sapnap knocked on Dream's office door "What!" the blond shouted from inside, his voice pissed off and mad. Sapnap chuckled nervously "Uh...Someone's waiting for you downstairs." he opened the door finding Dream with his glasses on, sat on his desk chair with papers in his hand and a pen behind his ear.

Dream threw the paper's on his desk before turning to Sapnap "Who's downstairs?" he cracked his knuckles "Someone claiming to be your brother." The blond paused. brother?...foolish.

Sapnap watched Dream freeze and knew something was up "I'll be downstairs in a minute." he stated before turning his gaze back to the paper fulled table. Sapnap sighed not liking how stressed his brother looked.

Dream burst into his father's room "God dream! watch it." His father scolded before looking up, he saw Dream was still wearing his glasses "You're wearing your glasses finally." Dream's eyes widened before taking his glasses off and hiding them in his pockets "Why don't you wear them? they look good on you Clay." the blond rolled his eyes before responding to his father.

"That doesn't matter right now dad Foolish is in the lobby." Dream's father reaction twisted from happy to surprised "Fo Foolish?" He stuttered slightly his sons name finally rolling out of his tongue after 10 years "Yes foolish.." the blond rubbed his temples.

"I can't speak to him, I won't speak to him, I don't want to speak to him." his father's gaze softened as he watched how hurt his son looked "Clay...you have to eventually speak to him...he's your brother." Dream gritted his teeth "I don't care if he's my brother dad! HE ALMOST GOT ME KILLED ON PURPOSE! doesn't that speak something to you?!" Dream's voice sounded like he was about to cry "almost got fucking killed by my! own brother.." The blond's father sat there quietly not knowing what to say after witnessing his son almost break down in front of him.

Dream's expression turned unreadable "right...you don't give a fuck about what happens to me or my life, I'm just a person you throw around and praise to rise yourself up and gain respect from everyone...when did I once feel as if I have someone by my side? never, cause no one fucking cares! not even my dad." Dream felt as if all the weight on his shoulder disappeared causing him to realize what he just said to his dad...

If only I have spoken about this when I was younger...I would've been much happier.

He stormed out of his father's office and leaned his back on the wall to calm down "Clay? dude you alright?" Sapnap came worriedly "I um...heard everything since you were shouting...do you want me to tell them to come later?" the younger offered. Dream so badly wanted to take the offer but his gut told him it's important so he listened to his gut "I'd like it if I can talk with them later but it's important. Thanks, sap."

Dream gave Sapnap a soft smile before embracing him. Sapnap took a moment to realise that Dream hugged him since he doesn't give hugs to anyone other than George. He hugged him back "Thank you for being here with me.." the blond whispered "any time." Sapnap smiled widely happy that he could be here for Clay.

Dream walked into the lobby and found a brown-haired guy who looks oddly sick standing with his hands in his pocket, wearing a blue hoodie with white pants "Clay?" their voice sounded raspy and sick like they haven't drunk water for a long time "Noah."

"Can I see your face?.." He pointed at the mask with a soft smile. Dream took off his mask slowly "you've changed." he avoids eye contact "so did you..now what do you want? why have you suddenly returned after running away for ten years?" Foolish looked down ashamed at the expected question "I...Wanted to reunite with you."

"Reunite? After 10 years?" Dream clicked his tongue with a salty look "listen. I'm not going to waste my time listening to you complain about your proble-" "I'm fucking dying Clay! FOR GOD'S SAKE LISTEN TO ME!" Foolish panted with his eyebrows furrowed while Dream stood in shock...his brother was dying.

"I'm sick! And there's no cure for it." He breathed running a hand through his oily hair that looks like it haven't been washed for weeks "I came to talk to you about something very important to me...so please listen." Dream sighed before nodding for his brother to go on "I'm dying, I'm sick, I don't have time...only a few days or earlier then I'm gone."

"I have a daughter, Her name is Giana Shes is four years old. she won't have anyone by her side whe-" "are you asking me to take care of her?" Dream huffed crossing his arms "Clay please I don't want her to go to the orphanage, you're her uncle please take care of her when I'm gone." Foolish pleaded "Please give her a home and be someone she can talk to and learn from. That's all I ask from you."

Dream stood in silence. What was he supposed to do? He doesn't know how to take care of a kid! How is he supposed to take off a four-year-old?!

The blond turned and started walking away "Clay! Please! Come back!"

1460 Wc

Date gonna take longer than expected since I have no ideas so please share some and thank you 🥱 we gotta finish some important things in the plot first, now good night

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