Chapter twenty five-The truth.

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"I don't know!? I'm just afraid." George yelled, minx, looked at him up and down "Do you even love him?" Minx sighed.

"I do!" he sat down after walking in circles "I mean... I feel like I love him." George gripped his hair.

"George how many dates did you go with Liam?" she took a sip of her boba tea "two. two dates." he sighed as he took a sip.

"Two? are you serious?" she looked at him in disbelief "yeah..two." George dropped his head in his hands.

"Did you like it?" Minx said looking at George "I guess..?" he mumbled.

"no I don't want you to tell me I gUeSs" she mocked, George laughed a little "I want you to tell me yes or no".

"third option?" he looked at her "No! George!" she yelled smacking his head "ow! I'm joking!".

Minx and George laughed, Minx looked at him dead serious "now. Did he ask you for a third date?".

"Yeah." He nodded "and what did you say?" She finished her boba "no" he replied.

"Does that mean you don't like the date?" She asked, George, shrugged "I don't know Minx.." he frowned.

"What about Clay? Hmm??" Minx smirked "i.." George didn't know what to say.

Because like first of all Clay is a mafia leader.

Second of all, it won't work out is what George is worried off.

Third of all How will his mother's reaction be when he tells her he's dating a mafia boss?.

Questions swarmed George's mind.

"Are you okay?" Minx placed her hand on top of George's "I'm confused." He sighed.

She squeezed his hand "tell me about it" she chuckled "I can't date Clay.." he sighed.

"Why not?" She looked at him with sadness in her eyes "because he's a mafia leader..".

"And I know my mum won't accept him." He admitted, "but do you love him?" Minx felt kinda bad for George.

"I do...but I don't know if he does." George felt tears prick his eyes but couldn't get himself to cry in front of Minx even though she saw him cry so many times.

" you even want to be friends with him since he's a mafia leader?" She asked him "I thought of avoiding him..but I just can't do it".

"Why can't you do it?" Minx was confused at what George is saying "I can't get myself to avoid him.".

"George your not making sense." Minx chuckles "I feel like I'm losing brain cells." She patted his shoulder.

George laughed "I can't express how I feel." He took a sip of his boba "I saw him lean in to kiss me 2 weeks ago..".

Minx spat out her tea "WHAT?!" She yelled in surprise "DUDE HE LIKES YOU BACK!" she gripped his shoulder and shook the stupidness out of him.

"ARE YOU BLIND OR SOMETHING?" she laughed "I DON'T KNOW WHAT IF I'M IMAGINING THINGS?!" George yelled as she was still shaking him.

"You stupid dumb blind ass bitch" she stopped shaking him and sat down drinking the tea she ordered 10 minutes ago.

"You made me dizzy." He rubbed his head "good." Minx scoffed.

George walked home that night after discussing with Minx in a boba shop, she offered to drop him home but he insisted on walking home instead.

While walking he thought about all the things he talked about with Minx. for example his love life.

He thought about Dream. Liam. avoiding Dream.

George decided to drop Liam and focus on Dream. his feelings for Dream increased since the day he was about to kiss him...or was he just imagining things...

George huffed in frustration "Why can't I just avoid him.." he grumbled to himself.

A car pulled up beside him, they rolled down the window.


That voice...

God damn it LIAM.

"What do you want Liam?" George glared at him "why are you walking home alone?" he asked.

"Wanted fresh air" he replied looking away "wanna ride?" Liam offered "no i'm alright" George kept walking on the sidewalk while the car slowed down to catch up.

"Are you sure?" George was getting annoyed at this point "yeah i'm sure" but kept it in.

"George..why are you avoiding me so much." George heard the sadness in his voice.

That made him stop walking and turned to look at Liam "i'm sorry Liam..but i'm not avoiding you".

"I'm just not interested." George spat out. his face straight "Not interested in what?" he could see the fear and nervousness in his face and voice.

George thought might as well just tell him the truth and not play with his feelings.

"I'm not interested in dating you, Liam.." George placed his hands in his hoodie pocket. the weather was cold and thank god he brought a hoodie.

"What..?" Liam looked kind of heartbroken "did I do something wrong? please tell me, George." George winced at Liams voice breaking.

"you did nothing wrong okay?" He reassured him "I don't have feelings for you. i'm sorry Liam".

George saw a tear roll down Liam's cheek. he felt bad for him "i...I understand." Liam spoke.

"I'm sorry if I forced you into anything." he wiped the tear off his face "you didn't. it's okay." George smiled at him.

Surprisingly he returned the smile "can we be friends?" Liam cleared his throat "it's okay if you're not comfortable with it".

"no no we can still be friends" George nodded. this put a large smile on Liam's face.

"can I still give you a ride?" he asked again. George laughed at his kindness.

"Fine yes" he rolled his eyes and entered the car.

It was awkward at first but they warmed up to each other and started talking like friends again.

This time without the flirting that Liam always does and that made George much comfortable with him.

Maybe it will work out?.



Short chapter and to keep you updated angst is sure coming soon later in one of these chapters.

Love is broken as all the dnfers say.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you enjoyed it why not drop a vote? hm? indeed thank you :D.

Btw don't forget I love you and take care of yourself please and I appreciate you so much.

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