.:Chapter 63:.

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I woke up yesterday at ten in the morning and heard about Technoblade's death. I'm still in shock since it was unexpected and I didn't think about something like this happening. Rest easy Techno.

He truly was an inspiration to all of us and brought happiness and helped so many. I didn't post this yesterday from how drained I was and heartbroken, I hope everyone's doing okay.

Any hate comments will be deleted, I don't accept anyone that will comment horrible things about his death. I don't accept any action of such in my comment section, they will be muted and blocked from my Wattpad account. That is not okay.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. And I hope everyone's doing better.

(Please read the note at the end)

3:09 AM

Twenty missed calls from Mum...Why bother calling back?

George tucks his knees close to his chest, sitting beside the tired sleepy Dream who's all cuddled up in the blanket, quietly snoring. George smiles at the view of his peaceful face, gently brushing away a few strands of hair with his right thumb, and his phone in his left hand. The blond shuffles closer, lazily wrapping his left arm around the brunet's waist.

His gaze goes back to his phone, George sighs, looking at the missed calls. Should I call back? We'll eventually talk, right? So there's no need. Right? Why do I still care. "love, why are you still awake?..." George's head turns and his gaze softens "can't sleep." he mumbles over his arm on his knee. Dream clears his throat and lifts the blanket "C'mere.." he rasps with a small smile, his eyes half open.

George places his phone on the bedside table and gets under the blanket, cuddling closely to Dream. The blond keeps his arm under George's head, playing with his soft brown hair. He pecks his forehead and keeps him close.

He sighs and closes his eyes, trying to sleep his thoughts away.

7:45 Am

"Come on, you can do it!"
"Nooo...I'm tired."

George lays on the placemat, resisting to continue training while Dream pulls on his hand to get him up "Georgeeee." He grumbles "it's for your safety, come on." The brunet shakes his head "I rather move out of town than be here, training." He chuckles, seeing the blond's face twist.

Dream gasps letting go of his hand "and leave me here?! No!" He says in disbelief "you are not going anywhere without me." George yelps as he was caged in a pair of arms "I'm jokingg, let gooooo it's too hot." He whines, thumping gently on the blond's chest.

"Dreamm...you massive idiot." George grumbles with closed eyes "this is your fault for not getting up." "Noooo"

After showering and cleaning up after themselves instead of leaving it to the maids, George grasps a class of water, reciting everything that happened yesterday, that felt like a Fever Dream.

His messy apartment, his and his mother's yells, the countless times he looked in the bathroom mirror, degrading all the parts of himself. The night that he again cried in dreams arms till he fell asleep.

What would dad think of me now?

3rd Pov + Dream's thoughts

"You o'kay?.." he snaps out of thought and sees the blond behind him, hugging his waist loosely with his head buried in his neck "I'm okay." George places the cup down and turns around to face Dream.

They stare at each other for a moment, sometimes catching each other looking at the other's lips. Coming to think of it, it's been a while since they spent the day together.

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