::Chapter 39::

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The masquerade ended and the group went home.

George clung onto Dream the whole ride which Dream didn't mind after their interaction at the masquerade.

But he was still confused about their 'friend ship' but didn't say anything about it, instead, he decided to cherish this moment.

I guess we're on good terms now.

I mean- he's holding my hand...

"Dream?" George looks over at Dream "hmm?" Dream glanced at George then back at the road "nothing..just wanted to check on you..".

Dream chuckles at George's response "you can sleep if you want." Dream kept one hand on the wheel and the other intertwined with George's.

"I'll wake you up when we arrive."Dream smiles "Okay.." Dream lowered the radio's volume.

He hummed to the song on the radio quietly to not wake George up.

"I love you." Dream stopped and looked at George "I love you too..". he sighed happily.

George woke up in Dreams bed, he looked beside him and saw the blonde sleeping peacefully.

his eyes slowly open, staring right at George "Morning." George smiles, turning to face Dream.

"Morning.." Dream wrapped his arms around George, George laughs at this "you're being too clingy.." George buried his face in Dream's neck, inhaling his scent.

"can you blame me?" Dream laughs, his grip loosening around George, Dream kissed George's forehead causing George to giggle.

They laid together like this for a while then their door burst opening with a yelling Sapnap.

"DREA-" Sapnap paused "Woah- without me?" he fake pouts "Sap it's too early for this.." Dream sighs.

"George this is unacceptable!" Sapnap shouted joking "Okay get over here." George huffs.

"Wait are you serious??" Sapnap beams "Do you want to cuddle or not?" Dream groans "George no.." George glared at Dream.

Sapnap lay in between George and Dream separating them, Dream scoffs, Sapnap smiles brightly.

"This is supposed to be mine and George's bed.." Dream deadpans annoyed "What? is it wrong to cuddle with the homies?" Sapnap asks.

George shrugged scrolling through his phone "I'm going to make breakfast-" George was cut off by Dream.

"We have a chef for a reason." Dream says, covering his face with the blanket in an attempt to fall asleep again.

"You don't want to taste my cooking?" George shut off his phone to glare at Dream "What- no!- no George." Dream facepalms.

"OH, SO YOU DO NOT WANT TO TASTE GEORGE'S COOKING?!" Sapnap busted out laughing, George laughed along.

"That is not what I meant!" Dream grumbles "I'm going to make breakfast either way." George got up from the bed.

"George cook me breakfast instead of Dream." Sapnap looked at Dream smirking, Dream just huffed and turned away.

"alrighty." George chuckles.

"George" Dream whined, wrapping his arms around George's waist as he continued making eggs.

"What?" George huffs cracking an egg on the pan "we have a chef for a reason." He grumbles, resting his head on top of Georges.

"Come cuddleeee." George turned around to look at the whining blonde "please?" Dream tilted his head, looking down.

"Why are you being like this today?" George raises an eyebrow "what do you mean?" Dream mumbles, his eyes closing slightly.

"You're being way too intimate?" He turns around to continue cooking but was stopped by Dreams strong grip.

"Leave that to the chef." He lifted George to carry him "you haven't answered my question?" George sighs, letting his head rest on Dreams chest as he carried them to their bedroom.

"You gave me a chance and I took it to my advantage." Dream hums "do you not like it?" Dream asks, stopping to look at George.

George could see the worry in Dreams eyes so he laughed "no! It's completely fine! I'm just confused on why we're getting this comfortable around each other.." George hid his face on Dream bare chest.

"We aren't even a couple.." he whispers.

"We can be."

"Wait what?" George lifted his head to look at Dream.

George POV

Well, that was unexpected?
I mean- even if it was expected I can't say yes, right?
My mother won't be proud.
She might even abandon me.
I won't have anyone besides Ranboo.
He's rarely even home.
Probably living his life just like I told him to.
That's great.

"George?" Dream said, tilting my head up to look at him "hmm?" I hum.

"Do you want this?" He asks, looking at me like I was a doll made out of glass, one touch and I could break easily.

It's cute how much he worries.
But it's not healthy for him to worry this much.

"Georgie?" He shook my head to pull me out of my trance.

I completely forgot what we were talking about.

"What..were we talking..about?" I chuckle from embarrassment "I was asking you if you want us to be a couple." He laughs, an amused smile on his face.

Do I want this though..that's the question...

Am I sure about living this lifestyle?..
Will my mother approve?..
Will she leave me?..
Will I be alone?...

Am I getting left alone again?..

"George...if you're not ready it's okay I'll wait." He says, his eyes meeting mine.

I am ready..but...

..I don't want to be left alone again...

884 Words


Yeah well guess what..I might continue..

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