Authors note.

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Tw\past trauma.

Um, so... I guess we meet again?
So here's an explanation about why I haven't been active, even though you didn't ask for one, I still feel like I should at least let you know.

I've been tired lately. I don't feel like going on my socials nor posting, can't even get myself out of bed nor feel like talking to anyone.

Many things are happening to me and I feel like I am going insane. I cut everyone out of my life, I keep getting scared to meet new people as I always feel like I'm doing something wrong.

Or feel like I am not enough. I just found out that I am recovering from past trauma which pisses me off.

And what makes me mad the most is, the person who caused me this, is free and happy, living their dream.

I am going to take a break from everything and focus on myself.

And don't worry about me, I'm still the Evan that always reminds you that I love you guys.

If your going through the same don't be afraid to reach out for someone you trust when your ready to, of course.

If you want to vent you can always reach out to me, I'll be listening and giving advice.

Quick reminder: I love you and care about you, even though I don't know who you are just know you are loved by me.

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