.:chapter 55:.best night:.

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"Wow, such a gentleman." George rolled his eyes at Dream who hurried to open his door "you don't have to."

"I've heard that sentence before." Dream recalled and George laughed thinking back to the cat cafe...it's been so long since that happened.

They clasped their arms together and began walking inside.

The lights were yellow, red carpet on the ground, round tables with red coating, windows everywhere giving the restaurant an almost aesthetic look. It looked so nice...this is surely expensive. People chattering and laughing, they all looked so fancy.

George waited as Dream went to get them a table and waiters passed him seeing if the brunet wanted a drink he shook his head politely which they only smiled.

Music played, mostly jazz and classical.

He was too lost in his thoughts he didn't realize Dream was in front of him with a smile plastered on his face as he held George's hands "George darling?"

"Oh." The blond laughed "come on." Dream lead him, he probably came here before since he knew where all the places were.

They left the place and now they're in a garden full of rose bushes and fairy lights covering the tan stone ground "Woah this is so beautiful." George smiled gazing at the place as Dream walked beside him with their arms intertwined.

"Yeah just like the person beside me." George huffed rolling his eyes "step up your flirting game." Dream pouted "whaaat? What's wrong with my flirting skills??"

"They need some upgrades if you're really desperate to get me wrapped around your finger." George hummed "we're playing hard to get huh?...okay then, not a problem."

They reached their table and George gasped "this is so cute." Dream let go of his boyfriend's hand and went to pull out his chair "just for you."

George chuckled heartily and sat on the chair, Dream stole a kiss from his lips before moving to his chair, leaving the brunet shocked with crimson red covering his face.

"You're...ugh." He turned away with squinted eyebrows. Dream laughed warmly, positioning his elbows on the table to look closely at the brunet who has his arms crossed.

"What? I can't kiss you now?" George mashed his lips together to stop a smile from shaping "I didn't say that-" "so you want me to kiss you?"

There was a brief silence where Dream thought he might have made it awkward but got a chuckle as a response of reassurance "what ifff...I want you to kiss me?" This time, George put his elbows on the table.

"And maybe something even more?.." his leg stroked over dreams and the blond reddened but kept his face calm "are you sure you're ready for that?" He questioned with a taunting tone that made George tilt his head with a small smile.

"Cause if you are, then I'm more than ready to give it to you." A smirk hoisted dreams lips and the brunet sights at them before staring right back into the green orbs eyeing him.

"I've been ready." George fiddled with the straw in the glass, his right hand cupping his cheek "oh? So you were waiting for me?" Dream bucked up with surprised eyes and George's gaze met him again "you can say that."

"I was waiting for you, cause I don't want you to be uncomfortable darling." The brunet smiled at dream declaring his feelings and respecting them.

"I love you." He chuckled then went back to twirling the straw. Dream blinked twice before smiling cheerily "I love you too." His hand taps the table unintentionally, too lost in his thoughts to realize his taps were getting a bit louder.

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