.:Chapter 46:..Mission:.

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Someone requested something- so I guess we're here now <:/ there's no going back now
TW/ thigh riding - praise kink
I'll put a TW for those who want to skip

Dream follows behind George, looking down at him concerned. George huffs and turns around "what? What's going on?" The brunet asks, searching the blonde's eyes.

They stare at each other before Dream speaks up "what happened with schlatt???" Dream asks, somewhat laughing. George stares at him..wondering if he should tell him or not since dream doesn't know what even happened.

"George?" The blonde places a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder "uh..stabbed him in the eye?" George winces, not liking the idea of hurting someone.

"You stabbed him in the eye?!" Dream yells surprised "what- how??? You wouldn't even hurt a fly." George laughs at dreams reaction..even though it's a topic you shouldn't laugh about cause he was about to fucking die..but he doesn't want it to seem like it's affecting him..but fr George wouldn't hurt a fly unless it's a cockroach-

"Thanks to you, I knew how to bring him down." George smiles up at Dream, opening their bedroom door "That's good! At least the training is paying off than I expected-" Dream got cut off by George slapping him.

"OW-." Dream places his palm on his face, leaning on the door for balance. George looks at him unamused "you're bigger than me. How can you get hurt from a slap on the face?" He rolls his eyes.

George got swept off his feet by Dream "oh my!-" the brunet giggles "put me down! I'm scared I'll fall!" George wraps his arms around Dreams neck "oh you won't fall." The blonde nuzzles his nose with George, gently rubbing them together.

George positions his legs so he's caging dreams waist "I'm not used to this.." he says, hiding in dreams neck "well you better get used to it, cause I'm a very affectionate person." Dream hums, sitting on the bed with George still in his lap.

"Says a mafia boss." George laughs slightly, lifting himself from dreams neck, looking at the blonde. Dream flicked George's forehead. The brunet hisses then rub his forehead "ass." George glares "you deserved it." Dream grimaces.

Dream and George laugh "what about the mission? Are you going now?" George tilts his head "in two hours or so."Dream stretch's his body, his sleeve pulling up.

George gasps making Dream look at him in confusion. The brunet grabbed his lovers arm and pulled the sleeve up, examining the scars on his viny arm.

"Ohhh this..." Dream awkwardly laughs "what's this?" George raises an eyebrow, genuinely worried "mission scars." Dream shrugs "nothing much."

George traces one of the scars on the blonde arm "They stabbed a knife in there and slit my skin open." Dream says likes it's nothing which kind of worries George.

George nods before letting dreams arm go, placing it on his lap since he's still sitting on dreams lap.

George leans his head down on dreams chest "what are you thinking about love?" Dream rubs George's check "mission."

"What about the mission?" Dream slides his hand down to George's neck, feeling the soft skin "it scares me." Dreams hand movement stops.

"How does it scare you, darling?" George thinks for a moment before answering "do you ever get nightmares from it?" Dream chuckles at George's question then calmly answers.

"Of course I get nightmares." Dream feels George shiver then cringes on how calm his tone was.

"I get- I get nightmares! But they go away." "Do they scare you?" Dream sighs "Used to. But now I just- got used to it I guess??" George looks up at Dream.

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