.:Chapter..53:.no name srry:.

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A loud thud jolts George awake. Opening his eyes, he saw that the door was open and no sign of Dream beside him.

Sliding out of bed, he glimpsed at the black and white clock dangling on the wall beside the big closet...9:45 in the morning.

(Their bedroom- *cough cough* rich- *cough* ass)

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(Their bedroom- *cough cough* rich- *cough* ass)

He got up and strolled down the hall to dreams office and opened the door unhurriedly "good morning darling." The blond sat on his chair with his glasses on and a soft smile on his face, paper in hand as well as a black pen.

George glowed then approached him, cupping his face and pecking his lips "morning." Dream chuckles dragging himself away from the table to pull the brunet on his lap "what time did you wake up?" "About maybe 5 am? Don't remember."

George hummed and made himself comfortable on the blond's lap, positioning his head on the crook of his neck then shutting his eyes "you're still sleepy?" He snickered lowly brushing the brunet's hair to make it messier just how he likes it "yeah."

He laughed again and pressed a delicate kiss on George's forehead "alright I'll wake you up later."

After one hour of hearing the blond mutter, something stunned him awake. A noise he knew well.

"Was..that a gunshot?.."George whispered groggily rubbing his eyes "yeah. Don't worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing." "Dream! We have a problem!" The blond sighed heavily darting at Sapnap with a pretty calmed gaze.

"And it's another Tuesday, what's your point?" The ravenette huffed mockingly at the blond "my point is, somebody broke their arm." Dreams eyebrows furrowed confusingly "okay? What am I supposed to do about it? Give them a kiss on their boo boo?"

"No! you ass, someone broke in the base." "WHAT?!"

"You could've just called! Instead of barging in without knocking on the door sap." He scurried to the lobby walking along with Sapnap who's being a pain as always "Why? Were you guys banging?" "No! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" They reached the elevator and Dream mashed the lobby button.

"Just saying." Sapnap shrugged playfully not minding the intensified dream beside him "God...Sapnap." The elevator door opened and Tommy was hunching on the ground with Wilbur who's reassuring the blond since he broke his arm.

The chandelier was also on the ground destroyed "what the FUCK is this?!" Dream paced out of the elevator, the ravenette observing along "my chandelier!" The blond screeched their right hand clenching his hair out of frustration.

His stare went to Tommy who was smiling nervously "care to fucking explain Tommy!" "Look, boss man! It wasn't my fault what happened!"

"I don't give a fuck who's fault it is! Both of you will go downstairs and clean the storage," sapnaps head snapped towards Dream with a jaw wide open "what the fuck did I do?! I have nothing to do with this." He gasped furiously at his brother.

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