.:Chapter 47:.amazing name:.

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(I don't have a name for this chapter so pretend it has an amazing wonderful name)

Dream walks into the room, shirtless only wearing sweat pants, finding George awake, looking as beautiful as always.

He prepared breakfast and decided to clean and tidy up their floor. After what yesterday happened, he wanted to cheer George up.

"Good morning.." Dreams voice snaps George's  attention, making him sigh in relief. Dream sits next to George on their bed, just enjoying each other's comfort while looking each other in the eyes, silently admiring one another.

Dream leans in and presses a short kiss on the brunet's lips before smiling and saying "come on, I've prepared breakfast." He says softly. George tilts his head "wha what about your hands?" He reaches for the blonde's injured hands "Dream.." George frowns, looking at the slightly blooded white band "I'll clean them up later. Breakfast is waiting."

"They'll get infected and how are you supposed to do anything with those hands? Don't they hurt?" Dream chuckles at George's worried tone "I'm fine. It's just a wound, I've been through worse.".."you're worrying me Clay." George takes dreams hands in his.

"Baby there's nothing to be worried about. I'm perfectly fine."

Well...I thought I was fine....

"Dream you're sick." "What?" "Your heating up." Dream shook his head, denying it. George sighs "Will you just let me take care of you?" The blonde nods...he wouldn't let anyone take care of him considering himself as independent. But he'll allow it this time because it's George and Dream will do anything just to get the brunets attention.

"Stay here and don't move," George demands, lying Dream on the couch, covering him with a fluffy blanket. Dream sighs then place a hand on his forehead, feeling the heat..huh guess I am sick.

He's been coughing non-stop and sometimes sneezing. George wouldn't allow him to cuddle and told him to stay in the living room like a dog being punished. Dream stayed right where George instructed him because it's George, he will let him do anything. No questions asked.

"I'm back. Are you okay?" Dream opens his eyes and saw George come in with some medication and a glass of water "where'd you get those?" The blonde asks quietly "I talked to your dad and he gave it to me." George smiles.

"Does he know?" Dream concerns "I told him." George sits on the couch. Dream sits up, grunting from his head hurting "here take them." George hands the blonde the medicine and water.

Dream tosses the pill in his mouth then swallows it with water. He sighs "thank you.." he rested his head on the brunet's shoulder. George smiles at how adorable Dream is acting.

"Please let me hold you.." Dream begs for the millionth time "fine. Just this time." George rolls his eyes then lays down next to Dream. They both relax in silence. Dreams arms wrapped around George's small waist, his head resting in George's neck, George's back pressing against dreams chest.

"I was wondering..on taking you on a date.." Dream breathes, hot breath hitting the back of George's neck "next time." George plays with dreams blonde curls "Hm.." the blonde murmurs "I'm scared there's no next time." George smiles at this "there's always next time." Dream nods.

"I'm glad you're okay." The brunet sighs "it's just a wound- well both of my hands are injured and I just hit my head." Dream explains, acting as if it's not a big deal. George scoffs "you could've died Clay." Dream nods, understanding that when George uses his real name it's serious.

"I'm not dead though." Dream protests. George laughs "you're an idiot. Go to sleep." He slaps Dream on the face playfully.

George walks out of his and dreams floor and was met by Aiden.

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