Chapter thirteen

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3rd person POV

George was in the kitchen, cooking some eggs while talking with Karl.

"I don't think I should go back to work" George sighed, "you think?" Karl rolled his eyes.

"What?" George turned to look at Karl "you probably shouldn't go to work dumb ass" Karl spat out.

"I will talk too bad about it I'm sure he will understand" he ate a piece of bread "and! Do not find another job" Karl chewed.

"But-" Karl cut George off "and you're staying with clay" he continued eating bread "wait- why?!".

"Cause there are some fucking mafia bosses after you" Karl huffed "and dream will protect you so..".

"What?!" George yelled, "didn't he tell you already?" Karl raised an eyebrow "no..he left early yesterday".

"Probably had some work to do" Karl took a sip from his coffee.

"what does he do anyway? And how do you know?"George placed his egg on his clean white plate.

Karl stayed silent, George made himself some tea and sat next to him.

"Karl?" George tilted his head " he told me" Karl chuckled nervously.

Wow, he told Karl and forgot about me.

Wait- why do I care in the first place?

It's not my business Karl told me he is the son of the richest mafia boss, that's enough information.

Why do I even need information about him?.

Oh right- I have to live with a 6'6 blondie that probably is dangerous..after all, it's a mafia boss I'll be living with.

I should just live with ranboo and..maybe stop talking with dre- clay.

"So um I can't go to work or go outside?" George questioned, "no sorry George" he sighed.

This dude...I should've stayed away from him a long time ago...

I can't go out, I can't go to work, can't even water my garden.

What's so special about me anyways? I'm just his friend what the fuck?.

Didn't know a 6'6 blondie could ruin my life in a month.

Well, this is going to suck.

Sapnap opened the door for George "Guys! Gogy is going to live with us for now! Till all this chaos is sorted out" sapnap smiled looking down at George.

George was annoyed very annoyed that he has to live with people he doesn't even know.

He huffed "can't I just live with my brother" he whispered to sapnap "are we that bad?" He laughed.

"Yes," George rolled his eyes "how dare you!?" Sapnap gasped, he laughed and George laughed along with him, he followed sapnap to his bedroom door.

"I'm just joking but like..can't I just live with my brother" he sighed "why do you want to live with your brother when you can live with friends?".

"Tell me a reason..why I have to live with you dorks?" George spat out, sapnap gave him an unamused smile.

"1-there are mafia gangs wanting to kidnap you and sell you or maybe keep you as a hostage or worse.." sapnaps frowned.

"I can fend for myself I have a knife and pepper spray." George zipped open his small bag.

"A knife and pepper spray won't do anything." he smiled.

"Use your fist and, leg" he laughed "you should train to fight with us sometime." he put Georges bag in his room.

"And if you want to argue about living with your brother go talk to dream" he smiled.

Dream went into his room and plopped on his bed, he took a deep breath.

He got up to change out of his suit, taking off his clothes one by one as he grabbed his towel to go shower.

Dream entered the hot steamy shower, leaning on the wall thinking about how he was going to tell George to live with him.

He had no idea that George was in the base, sleeping in the bedroom next to him that he prepared specially for him.

He grabbed the shampoo, squeezed some on his hand and started cleaning his hair.

Dream got out of the shower and wore a towel around his waist.

He got out of the bathroom and saw his 15-year-old sister larain laying in his bed while scrolling through TikTok on her phone.

And his 13-year-old sister gaby sitting on his office chair bored out of her mind.

"What are you guys doing here?" He sat on the edge of his bed "dad dropped us hereafter picking us up from school." larain shut off her phone.

"He told us to tell you that you have to get your shit together and stop being a mess" she laughed.

"Oh shut the fuck up." he rolled his eyes "go to your rooms and get dressed we're going to the grocery store."

"Whyyy.." gaby whined "we're getting stuff for nana." he opened his phone "if you don't want to go then stay with sapnap and the others at the base."

"But he's a total jerk." she frowned "then stay alone here in my room." he turned to his sisters.

"Do you want me to drop you off at nanas house?" he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"No.." "then go get dressed and wait for me in the lobby".

Hello hello, I haven't updated in a while cause my brain decided to be empty for 2 or 3 days and I guess I lost myself in drawing and sketching leaves in my watercolour notebook.

Anyways good night or good morning to anyone who is reading this and I love you<3

BTW! I JUST WATCHED FEAR STREET ON NETFLIX AND IT'S not scary it's pretty normal for me but I can't say the same for my sisters...

I love you <3 goodbye, see you tomorrow.

Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia au]Where stories live. Discover now