.:Chapter 62:.What the hell Im in hell:.

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George's apartment, in the small kitchen in the living room with the sun shining in from the tiny open window above the sink, the curtains flowing from the hot air, both of them sitting on a cute light wooden chair with a white cushion tucked in. Finished mugs on the white floral placemat, and his mother's right feet tapping on the oak wood planked floor.

George's mother stares at him, no wait- Glares at him in the eyes, almost like she's searching him for an answer. George feels exposed, he chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck "Where are you staying, other than here?" she asks, still keeping her gaze on him "who are you staying with? why is Karl not telling me anything?!" George winces then exhales a breath.

"Probably because that's none of his business?.." "You're right, he shouldn't poke his nose in your business WHEN you haven't been answering my calls!" he sighs silently "What's going on George." it wasn't even a question, you have to answer.

"I got attacked. Again." her expression changes quickly, from rage to sympathy. "What happened? Who was it?" George keeps his gaze down, why is it difficult to remember? It was only one or two weeks ago? wait. How many days has it been?

She places her hand on top of mine "Are you all right?" she questions softly. he lets out another breath, why is it so hard to say anything?

"I don't want to remember." what is that supposed to mean? what do you mean you 'don't want to remember'? you simply can't just brush it off! Your mother's worried and you won't tell her anything, do you realize how confused and hurt she must have been when you disappeared all of a sudden? Why are you like thi-

"It's okay, I understand where you're coming from." his mother gently rubs the back of his hand with her thumb "Not all of us want to talk or remember the horrible things that happened to us." I wish you could have told me sooner. I would have pictured you better. Another version of you in my head.

"You just...uh take your time. Everything will be okay." She smiles at him and George smiles back, holding away the tears "Are you injured?" she perks up with furrowed eyebrows "It's just my wrist...It's getting better- still slightly purple." George lifts his hand and lets his mother see the damage.

"Oh god George, does it hurt?" Her other hand lifts to touch it and the brunet quickly moves his arm away "A little. I just don't want anyone touching it." she puts her hand down and nods slightly.

They sit in silence, just son and mother looking anywhere but each other...god it must be so awkward. Not talking for months than trying to reconnect like nothing ever happened, no sorrys, no nothing. Just "We need to talk."

"How's your boyfriend? Are you both okay?" His mother tilts her head with a smile "The first time I saw him outside, he was a total mess, crying all because of you." Yeah- wasn't the best first impression, I doubt he'll not be embarrassed.

"When will I see this Dream guy of yours?" Maybe never, you wouldn't accept him. I know I need to try before saying anything, but I don't want to be put in such a disappointing situation that might ruin the one thing keeping me alive.

"Why are you keeping him from me? Is it because I'll judge him too hard? Oh, George!" She laughs, covering her mouth "you hah- know I wouldn't do such a thing!" she gasps for air. That wasn't really funny...

"You know I'll accept anyone that isn't Mason!" suddenly her mood changes quickly. Just like how the lightning is faster than the thunder, her mood is the lightning, and your eyes are the thunder. Even though they happen at the same time, you can see the lightning appear before the sound "Is it Mason." she firmly asks and George laughs slightly "No!-" "Tell me about him, I want to know! Does he treat you right!?"

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