Chapter four-the mafia's son?

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George finished getting ready, he stood in front of the big mirror in Karls room, he admired his outfit...

he felt confident for once.

..sort of happy.

George didn't like himself when he was a teenager, he got bullied in middle school, the same with high school and that lead him to hate himself, he used to starve himself.

He remembered all of the slurs they said to him all of the beatings they did to him.

he shivered slightly as he thought about it as he looked at himself in the mirror...

"George! come on let's go!" Karl yelled from downstairs at the front door.

"Okay!" George responded grabbing his stuff.


George got in the car "George are you okay?" Karl asked "yeah I'm perfectly fine" George looked down.

"George, I know you since high school are you sure your okay?" Karl asked again.


"Okay then"

They arrived shortly and George and Karl got out of the car.

The house was big and it didn't seem like it belonged in a neighbourhood like this.

"Wow didn't expect this" George raised an eyebrow "yep I didn't expect this either" Karl responded.

They walked in together interlocking their arms so they won't lose each other.

Karl looked around for sapnap dragging George around with him.

"Where are we even going?" George glared at Karl "we're going to find sapnap and.." Karl trailed off and glared at George.

"And?" George asked confused "clay" Karl smirked "why did I even agree to come with you" he rolled his eyes.

Karl laughed "oh! Look there they are!" Karl jumped causing George to flinch.

He dragged George to them.


Clays POV

Clay sat on a stool next to sapnap as he drank from a red cup "dude you have to stay sober for today's mission".

Clay sighed as he took the cup from him.

"Clay your such a goodie two shoes~" sapnap laughed "bro you'll get your ass beat up if you mess this mission up" clay groaned.

"So?" Sapnap sighed and layed his head down on the counter "you act like you don't care but wait till it happens" clay smacked sapnaps shoulder.

"Stooop" sapnap chuckled clay rolled his eyes as he drank some coke from his cup and threw away sapnaps cup.

"Why did you throw it away!" Sapnap whined, "the boss said we need to not drink and focus on the mission." He spoke seriously.


TW end

"Guys! Hi!"
Clay and sapnap looked at how was yelling.

"Oh! Karl and George are here!" Sapnap pointed at them from a distance.

"Yeah, I see" clay stared at what George was wearing.

Thigh-high black socks..pleated black skirt..simple sweater with a collar...

'Damn. He's too cute...'

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