.:Chapter 58:.T is for Trauma:.

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(Contains: mentions of flashbacks, non-consensual kiss, some what panicking)

The sound of blankets shuffling woke George up, the smell of coffee filling his nostrils, and the light sun shining in the room. opening his eyes, he got a kiss on his forehead from a blond looming over him with a soft smile "morning darling, did you sleep well?" A smile found its way to the brunet's lips, scooting close to where there's no space between them.

"Couldn't have slept better." He replied digging himself in his lover's neck, inhaling the smell of his body wash as Dream chuckles at his response "how's your back?" He tilted George's chin up to get a better angle, admiring the purple and blue, and red marks on his neck "worse than I thought it'd be." George mumbled with closed eyes still on the brink of sleep, keeping his head up for the blond "looking at the marks?" He scoffed.

"I..have to mark you more often." "No!" They both laugh, sickly in love (ew romance/j) diving in for a kiss then pulling back only for Dream to dive in again. George giggled pulling away but the blond was chasing his lips like it's the last thing on earth "hm-" he let out but Dream was eating him whole.


"Making out at seven Am?" They both jolted back and Dream lifted the blanket, hiding George's neck so the brunet doesn't feel embarrassed "knocking is a thing y'know." Dream rolled his eyes at his aunt who stood with a smirk "I bet you two had fun last night." Okay...that was George's call to slide down and hide "don't you hide from me George, I thought you were innocent."

"That's none of your business to know auntie." She frowned loudly "that's not a way to talk to your aunt, is it?" The blond huffed "should've knocked on the door instead of barging in." Marisa laughs "yeah I should've, you two could've been doing more than making out." She smirked and Dream glared back embarrassed "okay- what do you want?"

"That's not a way to talk to your aunt Dream."

"You said that for the millionth time now aunti-" "go put a shirt on mister and get your ass downstairs, join us for breakfast." She instructed firmly while the blond had an unreadable face "do I have to?" Marisa tched looking at her nails "of course you have to, idiot. We're your family."

Dreams dad cleared his throat, keeping his eye on his breakfast while dreams uncle was narrowing his eyes at Dream, George sat eating awkwardly sometimes chatting with Marisa since she's the one that he's a lot more comfortable with "got something to say?" They all turned their heads at the voice. Dream was taunting his uncle causing his dad to clear his throat more loudly for him to just drop it.

"I have a lot of things to say, but I'll keep my words to myself. I don't want to talk with-" "keep your words to yourself." She kicked him from under the table staring at him intensely for a warning, he grumbled looking away from Dream and the blond had a proud smirk on his face.

"We here, want to eat breakfast. Not watch you two argue." The blonde snapped mostly at her husband, her hand slammed on the table and her hoop earrings matched her movement "especially not with George here, you two control yourselves. I don't want to have to do it myself."

The boys sat quietly, in loud silence.

Dreams father looked between the three chewing on his food and minding his business "Andy's been quiet." His eyes shot towards the blond male "let me eat my food in peace." He said and shut his eyes and dreams uncle scoffed "aren't you going to talk about the mission?"

"What mission?" Dream questioned looking at his father "oh." His father's eyes opened "right." The vibe changed quickly and Dream felt tense, grabbing George's hand from under the table out of habit. The brunet raised an eyebrow but Dream didn't look his way.

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