.:Chapter 61:.:Cupid Chose The Wrong Person (I Think):.

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TW/ mention of committing unalive and sharp blades + bad thoughts, SA
(If you aren't comfortable with this, please exit immediately.)

"How and what in the world were you thinking?!" Sapnap winces at the loudness in dreams voice "I wasn't thinking! All right? I told them to leave it there without thinking of the consequences." Dream snaps in his direction, gripping the signed paper in his hand, almost crumbling it.

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said a lot..." Sapnap nervously chuckles "you had one opportunity to not fuck up the shipment and delay it again, and you decided to be stupid enough to not think about something that could benefit us?" The blond stared daggers into the ravenettes eyes, almost on the edge of snapping at everyone.

"It won't happen again dude, promise." Sapnap smiles at him, to try and maybe y'know, get him to calm down and not think of the situation as something big then it is "both of you break it up, stop fighting." Suddenly a beloved someone comes in from the front door.

"You boys are in your twenties and you still act like kids." She lets out a breath, trying to carry her bag "nana you shouldn't be carrying that." Dream rushes over and helps his grandmother with her bag "instead of saying that, help me out." She takes a seat on the sofa.

"God. I remember when you were kids, always fighting." Nana sighs loudly "what are you arguing about now?" Dream places the bag next to her, a bit farther away so she can rest her body then glares at Sapnap.

"Shipments..." Sapnap mutters loud enough for her to hear but Dream "ah. You're stupid for doing that." She points at Sapnap and shakes her head. Sapnap stares at her in shock, having a hand on his chest while Dream laughs quietly.

"How'd you know it was me??" Sapnap cries fake and his grandmother puts her hand down and just shakes her head "it's obvious who would cause such a thing. Poor Dream he has to put up with you." Nana pats dreams arm since she's sitting and can't reach his back,

"I don't mind the shipment getting delayed if it's not stolen." He rolls his eyes at his brother, Sapnap huffs "not my fault, complain to your bodyguards about it." He grumbles.

Dream lets out an obvious annoyed sigh "how about you stop scrolling through your phone and actually try to be responsible for once, so I can at least rely on you."

Nana notices this, how both of them are standing, staring at each other with no words erupting. Silence. It all started as I guess a joke of an argument, but Dream kind of took it a little far, but it's true-

"How about you stop hanging around your pet and do something for once."


She grips dreams arm to prevent him from storming over to the ravenette who's regretting his choices in life just by staring into his brother's green eyes.

"I...Clay. Y'know-"
"I'm not surprised."

And there it was, his queue to leave right out the door. It's a dumb argument, but hey, we all have dumb arguments sometimes. It's not something serious other than the fact that Sapnap called George a pet. He has a right to be annoyed.

Everything will go back to normal eventually, right?

Tw starts here everyone, please exit if any of the things I mentioned in the tw triggers you.

TW/ mention of committing unalive and sharp blades + bad thoughts

George POV

We all start on something small, then slowly build ourselves together again, step by step and you'll be good as new. I wish it was like that, I wish it was easier to do. "Have some patience." They say "Don't lose hope." They say. It's not like I don't want to get better, the journey is difficult when you're alone.

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