•Chapter six-Cat Cafe•

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Dream exited the abandoned house with a big black plastic bag and started heading to his car.

He put the bag in the trunk closed it and got in the driver seat.

He took off his black gloves, he placed them in the cup holder, suddenly his phone rang.

Dream huffed and pulled out his phone, he took a moment to read the caller id.

He accepted the call.

"Good job son now come back to the base we got more stuff to do"

Dream could hear his dad smile through the phone.

"Alright, I'm on my way".

He hung up and started driving to the base.

He walked in and went to his dad's office.

"Ah clay you here finally" his dad smiled.

Dream just smiled and sat down on the couch next to his dad.

"We have a meeting later so don't be late it's important and I need you there" his dad spoke seriously.

"Dad I never came late" dream hissed "well one week ago-" his dad was cut off "it was one time! Plus I had to fix nana's kitchen cabinet!".

His dad laughed at how annoyed dream is "I'll let you pass this time" he chuckled.

Dream went for a drive after his meeting to get some things off his head.

He passed by a cat cafe then he remembered how George was talking about cats.

He smiled and decided to take him there if he wanted of course.

George layed in his bed staring at the ceiling.

He thought about his life and how shit it is.

George looked at his door frame, there stood Karl leaning on the door frame.

"are you okay? you seem strange today?" Karl raised an eyebrow. "I'm okay...I think I am?" George questioned himself.

"you think you are?" Karl asked "yeah?" he again questioned himself "George what do you feel right now?" Karl went and sat at the edge of George's bed "I feel drained.." George continued staring at his ceiling.

"empty?" Karl asked concerned "I don't know" he closed his eyes.

There was a comfortable silence between the two "would you like to go for a walk maybe that'll help you" Karl suggested, "yeah sure I guess that'll work".


They walked near a park "So what do you think of dream?" Karl suddenly asked.

"what do you mean?" George looked at Karl "I mean like is he nice or do you like him?".

Karl completely knew what he was doing but played nice "yeah he's nice" he ignored the last question.

"do you like him?" Karl didn't let it slide "I um... I don't know" George looked down trying to think about it.

"What do you feel around him?" Karl continued asking "I feel this strange feeling in my stomach I don't know" George looked straight lost in his thoughts.

Karl giggled knowing exactly what George was feeling but not sure.

"Is there something else you feel around him?" Karl sat on the bench they walked past too.

since it was cold outside, winter was coming and Karl didn't do good with winter neither did George.

"I feel warm? sort of safe" George sat next to him and fiddled with the hem of his sweater.

"that's nice" Karl looked at the sky, it looked like it was going to rain.

They sat there enjoying their time and joking around.

George's phone vibrated.

He opened it and saw a message from clay.

"Hey! I passed by a cat cafe and I wondered if you'd like to go there :]"

George stared at his phone thinking.

"Yeah! What time?"

George looked away and looked at the sky.

"I think we should head back it looks like it's going to rain" George squinted at the sky.

"Yep let's get going" Karl stood up and George did the same.

They started walking home.

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Short chapter cause it's 3 am and I want to sleep so bad but I got work to do :D

Maybe I'll post another chapter after this one

I love you and appreciate you thank you for reading ♥︎♥︎♥︎

690 Words

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