.:Chapter 40:.

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Will Dream leave me if none of this worked out?

Will I...
I'm thinking about this too much.
I can figure everything out when the time comes.
I just need to cherish this moment and be happy.


George looked away,
why was this so embarrassing?! It's a question I wanted to hear since I met him.

Then why am I hesitating? This is my chance.

Dream chuckles "aw are you shy?" He asks, laughing "shut up." George elbows him in the stomach.

"Ow." Dream flicks Georges forehead "you prick." George huffs "you hit me first." Dream scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"We just started dating and I already hate you."

"You love me."

"Yeah sure."

"George!" Dream shouts.

"What? I'm joking!" George laughs, Dream pouts putting George down and crossing his arms.

"Now come on, Sapnaps waiting for us in the training room." George grabs Dream hands, pulling him towards the door while Dream is still pouting like a child.

"You don't love me." Dream mumbles as George sit him down on the wooden bench.

"Dream! Oh my god." George stands up in front of Dream and cups his face.

"I . Love . You." George kisses every part of Dreams face, his cheek, forehead, lips.

Sapnap stood there holding 3 towels, watching George pepper Dream with kisses while Dream just sits there eyes closed, smiling.

He decides not to say anything and instead walk over to them.

"There." George sighs, looking over at Sapnap "did I miss a chapter? Or what?" Sapnap says smirking.

"Don't break the fourth wall!" Karl came up behind Sapnap and smacked his head "Ow! Okay!" He yells, rubbing the back of his head.

"What fourth wall?" Dream and George ask in sync.

(In sync bebe)

"Nothing!" Karl shouts, glaring at Sapnap.

Sapnap glares back receiving another hit on the chest "KARL." Karl laughs, sitting on the bench beside George.

"What's up with you two?" George points at Karl and Sapnap "Nothing." Karl chuckles.

"Whats up with you two?" Sapnap mocks pointing at George and Dream, Dream feels himself freeze "Dream?" George calls, tilting his head.

"Me and George are to-" before Dream could finish George cut him off "together." He says smiling.

Dream smiles at the thought of George happy because they're finally together.

"FINALLY. I've been waiting FOREVER." Sapnap shouts laughing, George and Dream look at each other before looking at Sapnap like he's crazy.

"Damn it's been months! We're already on cha-"

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" Karl tackled Sapnap to the ground, tickling him.

"AHG STop!" Sapnap laughs, griping Karls hair so he can stop.

George and Dream just looked at them, amused.

Time skip
(Ah I missed writing this.)

3rd person POV but we're focusing on Dream and his thoughts so basically Dream POV

"I'll come in after you." Dream lead George inside the bedroom cause there are guests in the mansion.

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