Chapter seven-~"you're such an idiot!"~

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473 reads? 20 votes? Thank you guys for reading and voting, Didn't expect people to read this story or my other story -o- I started this all because I am dying of boredom and I am lonely af -3-.

473 reads? 20 votes? Thank you guys for reading and voting, Didn't expect people to read this story or my other story -o- I started this all because I am dying of boredom and I am lonely af -3-

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Okay hello hello how are you, how have you been I hope you are doing okay, here's a fluff chapter no angst or 'something' this chapter is peaceful and cute.


"Please! Let me go with you!".

"No! Stop it"

"Please!" Sapnap whined.

Dream signed "okay fine go get dressed" "yes! Thank you!!" Sapnap beams and rushes out dreams room and into his room.

Dream and sapnap have been living together since they were kids, coincidentally sapnap was found in an alley in the trash when dreams father was walking by with dream beside him.

No, I'm joking I probably got you confused there, didn't I?

Dream and sapnap have been living together since they were kids, the reason is sapnaps abusive father kicked him out when he was 9.

And dream and his father went out for a walk when they noticed a boy crying, dream recognised sapnap and begged his father to adopt him.
Eventually, his father agreed.

Dream finished getting ready and went downstairs.

He waited for sapnap to come down.

"Sapnap hurry up!" Dream yelled, "I'm almost done wait a sec!" Sapnap ran downstairs and in front of dream.

"Come on let's go" dream went outside sapnap followed behind him.

Dream stopped walking and looked at the sky, sapnap looked at the sky as well.

"it's snowing?" sapnap put his hand out to catch some snowflakes "no shit" dream laughed.

"oh shut up" sapnap nudged dream shoulder while he was wheezing his ass off.

"come on let's go we're going to be late!" He pulled sapnap to the car door.


George's POV

George finished fixing his hair and slid on a jacket he left on his bed.

Before he did all that he told Karl that he's going to go out with dream and as always Karl got excited for what's to come.

"Is this a date?" Karl questioned, "I don't know!" George looked down as he grabbed his phone "do you want it to be a date?" Karl leads George outside "I don't know Karl!".

"bye!" Karl stood in front of the front door "bye" George waved to Karl and left.

He instantly saw dream outside, leaning on his car, George saw someone in the back seat he immediately knew who it is...sapnap.

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