.:Chapter 54:.

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"No! No, wait." The ravenette shushed the blond that looked at him quite annoyed "maybe...a boat? You two could stay at?" Sapnap suggested.

The two were thinking of places where Dream could take George out on their date since they'll be going out later today.

"A boat?" Dream considered it "but George said he didn't want anything expensive sap." Sapnap face palmed himself "right."

The two sat in silence once again.

"Oh! Oh! I know I know." Karl came in with a set of paper works for Dream to sign. "What do you know KaRl?" Sapnap huffed standing with his arms crossed. Karl glared and placed the papers down "how about you shut your mouth,"

"Keep in mind who you're talking to." The brunet rolled his eyes before turning to Dream who sat on the black leathered couch with his lips pressed in a straight line glancing between the couple.

"I've got a place you two can go since you don't even know what your boyfriend wants-" Dream raises an eyebrow at Karl's attitude "corpse's restaurant, the finest restaurant in town." He explains while keeping an eye on the ravenette.

"Book the table named 'lovers dine' George will like it." Dream nods rubbing his chin, his mask was on the table, he doesn't need to wear it around his friends.

"Oh and, more paper to sign guys! Woo!" Karl pointed at the paper on the table and dream groaned "Sapnap please."

"Wow, dream is begging?? Rare." "Shut up I'm the one whos been doing all the papers these past few weeks, it's your turn." Sapnap brushed him off with a shrug "you chose to do them." The ravenette smiled tauntingly.

The blond shook his head then got up and took all the papers, with a huff Dream walked down the hall to the elevator.

"So! How are you feeling?" Karl sat on a chair in Dream and George's walk in closet. The brunets clothes were already mixed with dreams since he has been sleeping here.

So instead of going to his apartment to change, he chose to change here to avoid his mother at all costs.

"Nervous." George admitted standing in front of a mirror to pick which shirt he was going to wear "god I don't know what to wear." He sighed dropping the shirts, his shoulders falling in defeat with a frown.

"I'm really contemplating on just cancelling it..." George muttered "What? Why..." Karl rose an eyebrow "it's just that, Dream has a lot of work to do and I don't want to be a burden.." George dropped to the ground and sat with his legs crossed.

"I don't want to get him off track, he's already missing out on so many missions that could get him a lot of money." He rumbled, spilling out everything that was kept locked only in his mind.

Karl felt bad for George who's sat all gloomy "George don't think like that...you're not a burden. Dream is the one who's choosing to miss a lot of work and ignoring missions that could get him a load of money."

"He loves you so much he'll miss work to stay with you, He doesn't think you're a burden he's been thinking about where to take you out tonight."

"He wants to go on this date with you." Karl smiled at George "come on let's go and pick out something for you to wear so you can have the best night ever."

"Oh!!! This! Will look so good on you!" "A red dress?" George looked at Karl who was standing there excitedly holding a clothing rack he picked out from his closet.



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