.:Chapter 59:.damn it.:.

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After getting out of the car, George went straight inside without a word or a glance, just complete silence. Even in the car.

Dream didn't even know what to say or do and seen as the brunet didn't talk to him or even bother paying a mind to him, Dream thought maybe he needs time. After all, what happened is really awful. Even though the blond could hurt anyone he wanted, he wouldn't wish for that to happen to anyone.

And as usual, when things like these happen they either talk about it in the morning or just completely brush it off but Dream isn't willing to let this situation slide by, his boyfriend was terrified, and traumatized. His ex must have done something in the past that caused him to act like this.

"It's nothing- I just wasn't feeling well." George chuckles, placing his coffee mug in the sink "you worry a lot." He smiles but Dream exhales heavily, he doesn't want to force him to talk about it or anything. It just worries him how his lover is acting.

It's getting to the point where they're falling apart. Dream doesn't want to separate.

He decides to keep quiet about it. Inspect his behavior to see if he could get any assumptions...or maybe he could do another lot easy way.

"I caught some of the footage, it's not really clear- we need to change the cameras..." Karl explains standing behind Dream as the blond plays the video. It showed George's ex coming into the cafe and to the counter where he could be heard talking with him.

The audio is inaudible so Dream can't really hear what they're saying. He fast forwards it to where George is back at the counter handing his ex the tea, George's wrist got gripped and pulled harshly to the counter, his torso leaning down to where he's face to face with his disgusting ex.

Just the sight makes Dream more eager to catch this asshole. He shuts off the video, biting the inside of his cheek and he turns to look at Karl, the brunet had a saddened expression, He knows something.

"So...that's all I've got." Wilbur places the files on dreams desk "now pay up champ." He made grabby hands "here, Ungrateful shit." Dream grumbles, Wilbur laughs taking the 1000$ dollars happily "thank youuu daddy Dreammm."

"Get out of my office."

"Why do you want to find this guy so much?" Sam asks looking at Dream with his arms crossed, his sleeves up revealing his forearms, he rarely has his sleeves up but I guess he's too focused to realize how unprofessional he looks.

"It's not like you could do something about it." Sam mumbles staring at the paper on the desk that he was fiddling with while Dream stares at the board on the wall with a bunch of locations and pictures and information about the guy he was looking for.

"If you were in my place, you would've done the same for ponk." Sam shuts his mouth, yeah...he would. "Leave my office." Dream orders firmly and Sam regretted saying anything.

"This is the last place he was seen, I don't have anything else." Bad speaks quietly, he overheard Sam speak to Tommy about how dreams mood is off the rails today and he sure doesn't want to piss the blond off more than how the others did "thank you bad,"

"You may be dismissed." Bad nods and left.

Dream dressed casual, no suit or blazer. He'll have to put on an act for this mission even though he's had enough of that. He walks out of the dressing room and approaches George who's almost passed out asleep in bed, Dream pecks his forehead and turns off the lamp "I'll be back in twelve." He leans down and whispers, he got a hum in return.

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