Chapter 27

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I have no idea what to title the chapter T-T


"What do you mean they fucked up?!" Dream Yelled at Sapnap "I meant like- they fucked up the order.".

"Is there an error in the system!? or did they send the order to the wrong building?!" Sapnap sighed and sat beside Dream.

"We don't know." He replied bluntly "What?.." Dream lost it at this point.

First, he woke up with his back hurting from falling asleep on the couch when he was doing work.

Second, he tried to talk to George about why he was avoiding him but the cafe was busy he couldn't even get a word out and left the cafe.

And now this.

"Get dressed we're going to each building." Dream ordered while resting his back on the couch.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" Sapnap stood up "I'm already in a suit." He groaned annoyed at Sapnap and his stupid questions.

"Okay." Sapnap left, Dream laid on the couch exhausted "god.." he closed his eyes, trying to relax and take a small nap.

Until his door burst open. Dream opened his eyes and saw his mother and her guards behind her.

"Oh my god...this really can't get any worse." He grumbled before closing his eyes again. Dream felt someone sit beside him.

"Dream I know you're awake." She said. Dream opened his eyes slightly and saw his mother worried.

"Mom just say what you want." He scoffed "No no I don't want anything." She laughed.

"Are you saying that I just visit you for money?" She yelled hitting his leg "Ow! No!" Dream jolted up laughing.

"Good." She chuckled "If you did I would've killed you!" Her mood changed angry.

"Oh, you wouldn't do that." Dream rolled his eyes and sat up giving his mother more space to sit "Oh I would do that." She smiled.

He laughed "Look at my boy wearing a suit how fancy." She scooted closer and fixed his coat.

"Mom." he huffed looking away "what? can't I compliment my son?" she pouted.

"No...I didn't mean it like that." he smiled "it's just nice seeing you again." Dream looked at his mother as she brightly smiled at him.

Dream went to hug his mother but his arms went right through her body, he looked at his arms confused.

"what?.." Dream mumbled.

Then he woke up by Sapnap shaking him awake.

"Dude wake up!" Sapnap was sitting beside him, Dream sat up "Come on let's go." he made his way to the elevator.

"Are you okay? you seem kind of off today?" he asked as he made his way to the elevator standing beside Dream.

"I'm fine I just didn't get much sleep it's okay." he slid on his mask and closed the elevator.

The whole walk to his car Dream was thinking about his mother and that weird dream.

He didn't realize that he was already in the car, sitting in his seat while Sapnap looked at him concerned.

"Should I maybe tell dad that you need a break?" the looked on Sapnap's face reminded him of someone but he just couldn't remember.

"Clay bro?" he shook Dreams arm "you know what? i'm telling dad you need a break." Sapnap's voice was angry..or worried?. Dream couldn't tell.

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