chapter 33

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George stepped into the cafe.

The smell of fresh coffee and freshly baked bread shot through him as he unlocked the door halfway.

Rain splashed on the ground as he closed it, the bell echoed in the cafe caught Karl's attention.

He beamed at George and called him over, he scrambled to the kitchen.

"God I thought you were going to skip your shift." Karl taunted "Oh come on I only skipped this week!".

" yeah yeah now help me organize these." He pointed at the fresh-baked bread out of the oven.

"Nice! I thought I was going to be the one baking again." He puffed "next week your baking." Karl snickered.

"Wha- no!" George squealed "What about the schedule?!" He stomped to the schedule attached to the fridge.

"Hmm. Talk too bad about that one." He shrugged, taking off his baking gloves (Idk what they are called).

"Dude..." George whined. After all the bickering he decided to prepare the bread.

He left the kitchen and went to the display case, George pulled out the pan and took off the parchment paper, and replaced it with a new one.

He came into the kitchen with a grinning Karl standing behind the table "you suck." He sighed.

Karl laughed at him as George set the pan on the table and went to grab some clean gloves.

He already started to prepare the bread while George is still in the storage.

George was struggling with the drawers "Is this broken or something?!" He dragged it out but it was attached to something.

"It's stuck! Wait till Henry arrives and fixes it!" Karl shouted from the kitchen "did you even call Henry?!" George complained.

"I don't know?!" Karl scoffed "Do I look like the manager to you!?" George rolled his eyes "I heard that Karl!" Bad opened his door.

"Am I in trouble for saying the truth?!" He giggled, placing the last bread on the pan "God! This won't budge".

" George! There's another pair of gloves in the top right kitchen cabinet!" Bad yelled stepping out of his office.

"You could've told me like. 5 minutes ago?!" He grunted, standing up and heading to the kitchen.

"Gogs," Karl called "what?" George opened the cabinet, shuffling through all the plastic bags.

"How's your life??" He hummed, taking off his gloves "um? Great. Why do you ask?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"How's Clayyy??" Karl tapped his finger on the desk. George froze "uh." Karl looked at him.

"Karl. Can we not talk about this?" He sighed "George don't tell me you messed up" he gasped, covering his mouth.

"No! It's not like that." He looked away from Karl and continued to look for the gloves.

"From your is like that." He walked to George "I'm kinda busy here." He smiled nervously"can we talk later?".

"Alright, George." Karl left the kitchen.

"I did this to myself. There's no going back." He facepalmed himself "gosh. I feel stupid."

"Are you okay George?" He looked up and saw Bad entering the kitchen.

I trust bad right?

I knew him since I started here, so we're friends?

"I don't know bad." He huffed "it's overwhelming." George admitted and looked away.

"I overheard you talking to yourself." He pulled out a chair and sat on it "eheh" he chuckled "what did you do again?".

Short chapter and cliffhanger cause why not? Oh, and I haven't posted in a while so expect another chapter coming out.

Word count 578

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