.:Chapter 43..learning to love:.

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"These bags- damn," Sapnap complains, dropping the last baggage in the car.

"Did you bring the whole house or something???"

"Stop complaining and go get your shit packed."


Dream stood leaning on his car with a toothpick in his mouth, counting the money he was going to give to Wilbur for helping him move the base.

"What are you doing?.." Dream looked at the door, seeing George with his messy hair..he just woke up.

Dream smiled and walked to George.
George tilted his head to the side confused.

He wrapped his arms around the brunet small fragile body and nuzzled into his neck.

"What's..wrong?." George yawned "nothing..just thought that...I should pay attention to you more." The blonde lifted his head from George's neck and looked down at him lovingly.

"Damn right you should." George giggled, Dream was surprised at Georges response.

"When did you get so confident?" Dream raised an eyebrow smirking..he liked this side of George.

"I don't know." George stretched before placing his arms around Dream neck.

The blond kissed the brunet's lips passionately, not caring about their surroundings.

George's hands slid up in Dreams blond hair, pushing deeper into the kiss.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat.

Dream huffs and pulls away to look at the person who just ruined their moment...obviously annoyed that their most intimate moment got ruined.

George whined at the loss of contact between them.

Sapnap chuckled "sorry to interrupt but the car is ready to go." He smirked at Dream.

"I don't see Karl in there." Dream scoffs "go get him then the car is ready."

Sapnap sighs and goes to call Karl.

Dreams attention immediately went to George whose waiting patiently.

"Beautiful..so pretty." Dream cups Georges face in his hand and traces his finger from George's cheek to his jawline.

George blushes, his face glowing red as he tried to hide but..he likes feeling this way with Dream.

"Go get ready darling, I'll be here waiting." George nodded and leaned into Dreams touch one more time even though he can feel Dreams touch any time of the day.

George left and went to his shared closet with Dream.

Thinking of what to wear he decided to wear black tights with a black skirt and one of Dreams hoodie.

As he tried to zip up his black skirt from the back, the zip won't go up any further.

The brunet sighs and drops his head but as he was about to look up, He felt someones gaze at him.

"Need help?" The blond smirks "please." George frowns.

Dream approaches George from the back and zips up the skirt while still keeping eye contact in the mirror.

George blushes, even more, Dream sneaks his arms around George's waist and pulls the brunet close. their chest touching and swaying their hips together gently.

"You're very pretty..do you know that?" The blond places light kisses on George's cheek.

"Mhm...I know..you keep reminding me." George smiles flustered
"and I'll keep reminding you." Dream smiles

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