Chapter eight-!Alarm!

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"Did you know I can't just run and leave him getting beat up?!".

Dream got punched in the nose and chest while defending sapnap in the mission.

Dream's dad didn't like the idea of his son getting hurt in the chest "you could've just grabbed him and ran away?!".

His dad argued back "at least we killed them! They could've told their boss or something!" Dream got up.

"I'm going home." He sighed and started collecting his stuff "you're not going anywhere" his dad gripped his shoulder.

"What?-" dream looked at his father "we're going to the hospital" he lead him to the car.

"What about my stuff?" Dream questioned, "you're staying with me tonight".

"Why-" dream got interrupted by his dad slamming the car door shut.

Dream sighed and took out his phone.

Two missed calls by "nana♥︎"
Two messages by "sapnap"

Dream called his grandmother.

"Oh dear I'm glad you called I made cookies for you I heard what happened"

Her voice worried but glad her grandson called.

"Thank you nana..did you have your meds today?" Dream always had to remind his grandma to take her meds since she forgets a lot.

"Oh. Thank you for reminding me dearly..what colour was the bottle?"

Dream sighed "the blue one nana" "oh thank you! I'll stop by today".

Dream smiled "I'll see you later nana bye" "bye sweetie!" He hung up.

He looked out the window and saw his dad angry walking towards the car.

His dad got in "here I brought you some ice packs for your chest and nose." He huffed.

"Thank you.." dream took them.

Dream sat on the chair in front of the doctor's table.

The doctor entered and placed the ex-rays on the desk.

"His chest should be fine there are only a few ribs broken" the doctor took a glance at dreams father.

"Will it heal fast?" His dad asked glaring at dream.

"It will take a month or a few weeks.." the doctor sighed.

"Dream listens your going to take a break and stay with your grandma home whether you like it or not" he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Can I at least visit the base?" Dream rolled his eyes "yes you can but be careful...I don't want to lose you I already lost your brother." He sighed.

Dream didn't say anything and followed his dad inside the house.

He saw his grandma and smiled.

She embraced him in a tight hug, he yelped in pain "oh sorry.." she backed away "it's okay".

She smiled and took his hand, she lead him to the kitchen "here I baked your favourite" she sat him down.

"Thank you nana" he took a bite of the cookie, he immediately felt like a kid again.


6-year-old Dream ran in circles while
5-year-old sapnap chased him in his backyard.

"I will get you!!!" Sapnap laughed.

"No, you won't" dream laughed.

Dream ran faster as he saw sapnap catching up with him.

He didn't notice the big rock under him and fell, he scraped his knee and elbow.

"Ahhh! Ow.." dream sat up and inspected his elbow.

"Dream!" Sapnap ran over to him,
"I'll go get nana!" Sapnap went inside, dream saw his dad getting out of his car, he immediately panicked, scared his dad will yell at him.

"Dream?" His dad shouted looking at him, dreams eyes widened as he saw his father running inside and going to the backyard.

Nana came out and ran to dream "oh god what happened?" She asked, "I scraped my knee and elbow..".

She helped him up and went inside to see his father.

Dreams father glared at him "I was supposed to take you training today dream" his father sighed.

"Andy stop being so harsh on him! He's just a kid let him have fun" nana spat out.

She sat him down on a stool and told him to wait, his father went to change since dream couldn't go training.

She came back with alcohol and cotton, nana placed the stuff on the table and took dreams elbow.

She started cleaning it "ow.." dream cried "it won't take a while plus it will protect it from germs" she smiled.

She finished and threw the stuff away.
"Here maybe a cookie will cheer you up" she placed a plate in front of him.

He took a bite and immediately smiled
He felt happy.

End of flashback

Dream smiled and looked at his grandma "I assume you remembered something attached to these cookies" she laughed.

"Correct" dream laughed, sapnap walked in "oh there you are! I have been wondering where you have been all this week" she hit sapnaps shoulder.

"I'm sorry nana I was busy with stuff.." sapnap apologised "I bet you're tired..I made your bed upstairs and cleaned your room" she smiled.

"Thank you nana" sapnap grabbed one cookie and rushed upstairs.

Dream entered the meeting room and saw his father sitting on his chair.

His dad looked at him "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to rest?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You said it was okay to visit the base" dream pointed out, his father sighed.

"Dream what am I going to do with you" he laughed, dream laughed knowing that his father is joking.

"Go home don't make me drag your butt there" he demanded "Dad.. " he whined "can't I just roam around for a while?".

"Go ahead but then go home if I see you here I'll make sure you will never see your car again" his dad smiled, dream rolled his eyes and started to walk around.

Dream walked around, he entered the living room and saw a...coin?.

He pulled out his black gloves and wore them, he picked the coin up.

They're placed in the middle with..schlatts logo.

"Um...Dad!" Dream yelled "what?!".
His father ran to the living room.

"What is that?" He questioned looking at the coin in dreams hand.

"Schlatt is in the building." He stated, his father took the coin and inspected it.

"We are fucked".


Hello hello, it's nice to see you again! How are you doing? I hope you're doing amazing :D

Finally, drama is settling in the plot and action is just beginning.

if you got any ideas you can comment on them.

I like reading your guys comments they make me happy :)

I love you ♥︎

1085 words

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