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"Jennie! Jennie, Lisa is in trouble again!"Kai was screaming as he ran to Jennie outside the school library.

"What?! Where is she? Oh, my god! Kai, does your father know you have a set of lipstick in different shades?"She looked at Kai from head to toe.

"What? Since when did you care about my beauty essentials, homophobe? Will you just please come with me because Lisa is punching Adrian outside the school and we couldn't stop her. She found out."
Kai raised his brow to Jennie because until now, she couldn't accept that they have a gay friend in their circle.

They ran as fast as they could. Rosé saw them from afar and she followed them too.

"Lisa! Lisa, stop!"Jennie tried to catch her breath. Her chest panted so rapidly. She needed to get some air. Lisa was still punching Adrian.

Jennie pulled Lisa's uniform and there she saw Lisa's lips has a small cut and blood started to flow. She was beaten also. Lisa pushed Adrian to the ground.

"The next time you do that to Jennie again, I promise to kill you."She told him with serious eyes and warning voice.

Jennie dragged Lisa away from the scene. Rosé and Kai followed.

"Will you just please stop fighting around? You're really a troublemaker. Ugh!"Jennie closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Me? A troublemaker? For your information, I can't let anyone sexually harass you. You know that, Jennie."Lisa said as she tried to block her wound with her thumb so the blood would stop flowing.

"From now on, please stop. Lisa, you're not doing any good. I don't need you to protect me."She told the tall one and Lisa's ears were like being slapped.

"Wow. Really? Ok. Anything you want, Jennie.
By the way,

thank you so much, Lisa!"Lisa sarcastically screamed all over the place as she took her backpack from Kai and went away.

"Lisa, please. Wait! Stop! Let's go to my house and I'll clean your wound."Jennie tried to catch her but she's too fast.

"Let me handle her."Rosé said and she followed Lisa.Jennie felt frustrated.

"You know what, bitch, why don't you just be grateful that someone is always willing to risk her life for you? Lisa's your best friend. Of course, she wouldn't let anyone hurt you.And when will you ever realize that she likes you since you two were in fourth grade?"Kai's being a bitch right now.

"She doesn't like me. Lisa is straight and so am I."She rolled her eyes to Kai.

"Are your really Lisa's best friend? Or you just love the idea of having someone like her who does everything you want? Gives everything you need.I think you really should get to know her better, Jennie. How come you're her best friend if you don't have any idea about her deepest secret? Ugh. I'm so stupid. How can Lisa talk to you when you're such a homophobe and all you want to talk about is yourself?I got to go. I can't swallow this moment of you being so insensitive."Kai turned her back from Jennie and went home.


"Ouch! Slowly. It really hurts."Lisa held Rosé's wrist as she put a cream on it after cleaning her would.

"Haven't you told her yet?"Rosé asked.

"I'm afraid. What if- what if she'll stay away from me? Do you think she will accept a freak like me? We better be this way I guess."Lisa said.

"Wait. Are we talking about telling her that you're an intersex or you love her?"Rosé got confused.

"Ugh. You know that I have been hiding this to her. You know since fourth grade she's really scared of gays. Then what more if she knows about my condition?"Lisa sadly accepted that fact already.

"Lisa, you and Jennie are best friends, right? How can you take not letting her know the truth? I think she deserves it!"Rosé's just encouraging her.

"I'll tell her. Soon, I'll tell her about my condition."She took a deep breath.

"How about telling Jennie that you have been in love with her since day one?"Rosé brought it up again. Lisa stood up and just chuckled.

"You know what, thank you so much! I'm going home now. I'll just treat you lunch when I have saved up already. You know. Lisa here has no money."Lisa said as she rubbed Rosé's head.

"How come you don't have money all the time? Your parents are too hard on you. My god. You're one of the richest families here in Seoul!"Rosé is wondering why.

"Well, I am just their child and unfortunately they're not just into giving me the life I deserve."She said and walked out.


The moment Lisa arrived at their house, her father pulled her uniform and slapped her so hard.

"What is this again, huh? The guard at your school informed us that you're in trouble again. When will you ever stop giving us a headache, Lisa?"Her father was so furious.

"I'm sorry, Dad."She said as her tears were starting to drop.

"I really regret having you as my child! Look at your other siblings. They both have a good reputation at school. What about you? You're an intersex! Sometimes, I would ask God if what did we do and why we have a freak!"His words smashed Lisa's whole being. He crushed her heart just like that.

He was about to push Lisa on the wall hard but Jennie came in and stopped Lisa's father.

"Uncle, stop please! It was my fault. Lisa just tried to defend me. I am sorry. Please Uncle, stop!"Jennie made the mood lighter. Lisa's father removed his grip from her uniform and shook his head.

"Lisa, go to your room. I will follow."Jennie told her while she wiped her tears.

Before Lisa walked away, she took her report card from her bag and placed it on the table. Her father took it and checked what is it all about.

"She ranked first again in academics in our batch. Excuse me, Uncle. I'll just get some ice from the kitchen and check on Lisa."Jennie was still crying as she led her way. She bowed to Lisa's Mom who was just trembling and scared at the corner.

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