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I only brought a small luggage with me and a backpack for Rion's stuff. I brought more hopes that I can encourage Jennie to come back with me in London.

Jisoo and Rosé helped me. They picked us up at the airport.  I am really thankful because they really travelled from Busan. Actually, I'm shy because you know, they're still both on Med school but they skipped their classes today just for me and Ri. I told them they don't have to come here but they really insisted.

Rosé carried Rion and they're both at the backseat. Jisoo couldn't get enough of her nephew too. She keeps looking at the mirror just to see Rion at the back with her girlfriend.

I am nervous. I really am. I don't know what Jennie's reaction when she gets to see me. I don't know how we're going to talk. She just suddenly walked out of my life just like that and now I'm here trying my luck. I should be optimistic. Believe in your love, Lisa. Believe.

The moment we arrived at their family's company, Jisoo warned me. She said Jen has become so serious dealing with life since she got back. She's actually so aloof to them. She also said that Jennie does not even talk to Rosé and her most of the time anymore. She's too focused at work and just for herself.

I took Rion from Rosé and they promised to wait for us at the parking lot.

As I stepped in, the guard and the receptionist greeted me. Well, they know me.
Jennie always brought me here before when we were younger with her parents and Jisoo.

I asked the receptionist where Jennie is and she told me that she's still in an important meeting at the 18th floor conference room just beside her office.

I pushed the button of the elevator and as we're coming up, my fear is wrapping my body tight. Will she be happy to see us?

I got in her office, I saw her name as the CEO. Her office really looks lavish and wide. Made me think maybe Jennie really wants this life. The life that I cannot give to her for now.

I didn't realize that Rion and I fell asleep on the couch. I was awakened by the sound of the door.

She was shocked to see me. She could not even move. I checked my clock and realized we have waited an hour for her. I immediately stood up carrying my son and approached Jennie smiling to her. Rion is so jolly upon seeing his mama. He is gesturing to go to Jennie and that he wanted to be carried by his mother.

But I suddenly felt a strong punch on my chest when Jennie looked down and just sighed.
She didn't respond to her son wanting her so bad. She walked towards her table and rubbed her head.

"Lisa, what is this? Why are you here?"She said in a sad tone. Obviously, she doesn't want us here.

"No, Jen. What is this? Why did you just-- just leave and--?"God. I couldn't continue my words. I felt so much pain and my tears are running down my face.

"Lisa, let's meet later and let's talk about it. I have another meeting in a while and I can't--
I can't just disregard that."She said and still looks upset that we're here.

"So you are choosing to disregard me and your son for a meeting? Jennie, I want to hear your explanations now. Why all of a suddenly we became like this?"I said while trying to calm myself. I am catching some air as I am really hurt inside.

"Lisa, I am sorry. But--. Lisa, this is the life I want."She said with a sigh.

"Jennie, you said you never wanted this life. You said you wanted to be someone else?
Jen, please come back with me to London. We need you. I love you, Jennie. You know how much I love you! Your son needs you, Jen. Please?"I am begging.

"Love is not always enough, Lisa. I-- I can't be with you anymore. I am really sorry."She said while her voice is cracking and she wiped her tears immediately as it fell down.

"Why? Am I lacking something? Am I not making you happy? Why in a snap, Jen? Or is it because I am only earning just enough for our needs?Tell me. Jennie, if you want us to stay here then we will. You want us to get married as soon as possible? Let's get married then! Jennie, just please do not leave me."I kneeled. Oh, god. I kneeled.

My son is crying in my arms too. It pained me when I saw Rion crying silently. His tears are just falling and he's not making any sound. He is really hoping Jennie would take him from me and hug him tight. God. Our son is just almost a year but why is he experiencing this.

"Lisa, I don't want to wake up one day and regret that I did nothing for myself."And that shook slapped me. I stood up and wiped my tears.

"Why did you ask me to be yours during that Christmas? Because I got you pregnant? Why did you decide to come with me to London and even said yes to my proposal?Why did you give me false hopes when you have this aim for yourself? Jennie, just tell me now if you want me and Rion to stay because we will. Please? I will give up everything just for you. Jennie, please."I begged while my eyes are too puffy already because of too much tears.

"I am sorry. But I am not really ready for the life you want for us, Lis. I--"She couldn't continue her words when we heard someone just stepped in.

Her Dad. Then Followed by her Mom. They were surprised to see me. They hugged me tight and they really look so happy that I am here. But their gaze couldn't get away from Rion.

"So handsome little guy. Who is he, Lis?"Aunt asked me.

I looked at Jennie and I understood what she meant of those stares.  She wanted me to shut up and there my heart felt like crushing into pieces.

"Hey. Are you okay? Are you two fighting? Any problem here?"Uncle felt the tension.

Rion kept crying. He didn't give up stretching his arms towards Jennie. He really wants to go to his Mom. Her parents went speechless.

"Do we need to know something here?"Uncle uttered again.

I saw how Jennie's eyes looked at Rion. Eyes with pain but with strong denial too. Rion is your son, Jennie! Why are you doing this to him?

I couldn't take it anymore. This is the most hurtful rejection I ever had whole my life.

You know, all the pain I had growing up when my parents rejected me for many times could not top the hurt and agony inside my heart now realizing that my son is being rejected by her own mother.

I stepped back and bowed to them.

"I am sorry but we have to go, Aunt and Uncle.It was nice to meet you again. By the way, this is Rion, my son."

And I went out of their building not caring anymore of how wet my eyes were.

"I am sorry, Ri. I promise, I am not going to let you be hurt this way again. Never ever."

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