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"Lisa, this is so sudden! Why the hell did you just book me a one-way ticket and want me to be here in London? Ugh!"God! I missed Kai so much! He's been screaming inside my car when I picked him up from the airport.

"Calm down! Okay. Let me explain. Here. Kai, I have seen your films and I want you to know that I am so proud of you. And I can't think of any other Directors to make my commercials effective but you."I said and his eyes widened.

"No. Don't tell me-- oh, my god! Lisa, you have your own company now? Wow!"He's really happy.

"Uhm. The main office is still under renovation. I'm also putting a big studio in it. For now, we'll just work at Sam's place and rent shoot locations. I thought of having my in-house film production house too instead of outsourcing from other Prod Houses. If I tell you'll be directing Abbey Road Studios and Louis Vuitton for your first project as TV Commercial Director, will you forever be my in-house filmmaker? Promise, we'll look for the best team for you. Please, Kai. Please. Your salary in making three movies is only equivalent to one TV commercial you'll do. You can still make the films you want, I will be the Producer for it."I said and he went speechless.

"Wha-- what? Lisa, is-- is this a dream?"Kai on his soft voice as he's about to be in tears.

"Yes. This is our dream. A dream coming true."I said. He hugged me but I pushed him away because I'm driving. We just laughed.

"Okay. So help me find an apartment here."He said and that's his confirmation already that he is accepting my offer.

"Alright! By the way, I want you to meet Sam later. Have dinner with us. She cooked your favorite."I said smiling. He looked at me with sharp and hot eyes while he is giggling.

"Oh, yes! Finally, you're in love!"He said.

"Nope. She's a special someone. I'm-- I'm not yet in love with her. Hopefully, soon."I said with doubts.

"Forget Jennie. Don't tell me you're still not over her? She's not worth it. Rosé and Jisoo have no contact with her anymore too. But I have read a lot of articles about her. Wild. Rich. Famous. But she is still this homophobe I hate since we're in high school. Ugh! Why did I even consider her as a friend?"Kai's really bitchy, guys.

"We know you love Jennie too, Kai. Even the two of you had this love and hate relationship, we know you cared for her."I teased him.

"Ugh! That's just because you're my friend! I tried to connect with her. I did. But what she did to you and my godchild was unacceptable. And I'll always hate her because she's prettier than me."He said. And we're just laughing the whole ride. We really missed each other.

Days passed and the team has been busy brainstorming as we're presenting our concept to Mr. Harris tomorrow. I am confident, but of course I am a bit nervous too because this is my first project ever on my own company. We're actually all working like a mess. I mean, literally. Sam is enjoying to watch us being messy in the living area with our computers, unlimited food and drinks and never-ending jokes. Kai met Sam. And he told me he really wants Sam for me. They're getting closer. But I think Kai is getting more connected with Carter. Oh, my god! I smell blooming love here.

Anyway, back to our brainstorming story. We had sleepless nights. They're all very patient with me. Maybe they already know how I work. They know how precise I am with every project we have ever since. They're coping up with all the revisions I want in detail. But we never forget how to have fun too. Sometimes we would end the night drinking a lot to reward ourselves.

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